Pete Finnigan pete\ Copyright Ltd 2005, All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001568.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ In my last blog on Extreme PL/SQL I mentioned pointers in PL/SQL. PL/SQL does not support pointers or dynamic memory management in the same way that we can write in C code. In C code we can define a variable....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 28/06/24 At 09:03 AM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z Can we Add C Style Pointers to PL/SQL?,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001567.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ It has been a while since my last blog post here. I have not abandoned blogging. Over the last year and more I have blogged regularly and this is reflected in my Oracle ACE Pro contributions this last year. I....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 25/06/24 At 10:04 AM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z Extreme PL/SQL,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001566.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ I talked recently about securing APEX and the different security angles that should be considered when securing data in application that is written using APEX and hosted in an Oracle database. There are multiple attack vectors from a web based....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 28/05/24 At 09:35 AM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z Can we Hack an Oracle APEX Application?,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001565.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ This is a thought experiment really but is possible to do with some efforts and in a more targeted way. I have coded in PL/SQL for around 29 years and it is one of my favourite languages along with C....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 08/05/24 At 11:20 AM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z Can We Add New Language Features to PL/SQL?,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001564.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ I had a conversation a few weeks ago with someone who asked me how to find a missing table when you have a wrapped PL/SQL file and cannot see the source code and you install it and it gives an....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 18/03/24 At 01:00 PM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z Locate an Error in Wrapped PL/SQL,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001563.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ Do you develop software in PL/SQL? I will show you in the next few minutes how you can learn to find security vulnerabilities in your PL/SQL code Even if the database that your PL/SQL is deployed to is secure then....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 06/03/24 At 09:45 AM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z Attention PL/SQL Programmers - is your PL/SQL at risk of breach?,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001562.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ How do you know how secure your Oracle databases are? How secure should your Oracle databases be? These are interesting questions that we will cover in this three part post. This first part is going to cover the high level....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 19/02/24 At 01:43 PM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z How to Secure all of Your Oracle Databases - Part 1,2024-06-28:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001561.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ My company Limited is 21 years old today!! It seems that time has gone so fast. When I started the company my oldest son was a baby and now he is almost 22 years old and works here in....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 12/02/24 At 11:28 AM</p> 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z Happy 21st Birthday to Limited XML::Atom::SimpleFeed 2024-06-28T08:07:11Z's weblog is the only weblog dedicated to Oracle security. Pete Finnigan's Oracle security weblog