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Oracle Security and Other books

On this page I want to review and list any books that include anything about Oracle security that I know about. Also I will list and talk about other books that I feel are worth having and reading as they either cover some information about Oracle security or include internals or undocumented information, which is always of use to Oracle security researchers.

Oracle security Books

The following are books completely about Oracle security.

Book Title Description
Oracle Security Step-by-Step (Version 2.0) This is the most recent book available on Oracle security written by Pete Finnigan for the SANS Institute in their Step-by-step consensus guides series. The book has reached consensus with over 60 experts reviewing and contributing from over 53 world wide organisations. The 258 page guide presents a list of problems / steps that describe the most common Oracle security issues and each "step" includes from one to many "actions" the reader can take to secure an Oracle database. The book was available in both paper and pdf formats from All of the code and program extracts from the guide can be downloaded from here.
Oracle Security Step-by-Step (Version 2.0) is the latest version of the book written by Pete Finnigan and has been updated for new security issues and also for Oracle 10g.

Other books of Interest

Following are some other books that are not totally about Oracle security but include some chapters or sections on the subject or include details on undocumented Oracle or Oracle internals.

Book Title Description

Other books of Interest

The final section are some books that i find very useful that are not about Oracle security or even have Oracle security sections in them.

Book Title Description