PFCLSEO - A set of website based services
We have created a small set of web site based services that we can offer to you. As everything we do starts with PFCL ('P'ete'F'innigan.'C'om 'L'imited) then this service is called PFCLSEO. It's called SEO, 'S'earch 'E'ngine 'O'ptimisation because we initially wanted to focus only on search improvements but the types of service has expanded based on what we do ourselves. Read Our Story for more details on how we got here and why.
The Web Services
We have 4 main web based services and these are listed here. To book any of these services or to hear more contact us:
Improve your Page Position in Search Engines
For a small charge we can use our experience and expertise to help you improve the ranking of your website in search engines. We do not use tricks or dodgy ideas; we use common sense and knowledge of what has worked for us in our real business over the years. We are not a web agency and we don't just focus on web services. We run a business helping companies secure data held in large databases and because we have learned a lot about websites over the years we are able to now help others BUT from the angle of doing it for real in a real business and not simply telling people what to do without doing it ourselves for our own business.
Why improve your ranking in search engines?
Well, its simple, most people looking for something tend to click the links that are higher up in the search results when they search for keywords to hopefully find a solution to their problem. The how to improve your position is simple at one level; your web page must show that you are the answer to the customers problem (search words) and must be written with authority and knowledge and expertise in the areas the customer wants.
Just tell us your website URL, the keywords you want to rank for and we will run our custom scanners (these are not available for sale) and create some reports for us to review and then advise you what to change in your website for it to improve. You make the changes and we will check it again afterwards. Then wait for it to be indexed by the search engine and see if its improved!!
There are no tricks to this, we can help you change your page with guidance on how to direct your knowledge so that your page is more useful to your customers and hence will rank higher in search engines.
How does this service work? - It is really simple and follows these steps:
- Tell us the URL of the page you want to improve the search ranking for
- Tell us the search string/keywords you want to rank for
- You pay us £100 + VAT per keywords/site URL - We can offer a discount for multiple pieces of work - Just Ask!
- We will conduct an initial assessment using our custom tools and reports
- We will advise you what you can change in your web page
- We will check again after your page has been re-indexed by the search engines and report any improvement
Talk to us to use this service.
Web Site Cookie Audit
When the cookie law came into being in 2018 we had a number of different websites; this one and some for our products and we were concerned to ensure that we complied with the cookie law so we looked around for free or commercial tools to help with this and after a while decided that it would be better to write our own tool called PFCLCookie and we used it to locate all of the cookies that we used and then "fixed" them. We decided to sell licenses to this product to customers to cover some of the costs of developing it in the first place.
We also offer a service around this product where we will audit your website for you using our tools and report the cookies located back to you for fixing.
How does this service work? - It is really simple and follows these steps:
- Tell us the URL of your website or section of your website
- We will agree a fixed price per audit dependant on the size of your website and number of pages. We change £100 + VAT for a small website up to 100 pages. Ask for bigger websites
- We will conduct an audit of your website for cookies
- We will advise you what you can change in your web site and the cookies that have been located
Talk to us to use this service.
Broken Links Review
Some time ago we used free and commercial tools to review our website (this website) for broken links to other websites. Our site is large, between 6,500 pages and 10,000 pages depending on what counts as a page. We have a lot of free tools and scripts that are SQL and PL/SQL tools and these are valid pages on the site as a lot of people download them to use in their own efforts to secure data in Oracle databases.
So we decided to write our own tool as some of the ones we used clearly missed some broken links. Why find broken links? - Well it looks bad if someone visits your website and clicks on a link that is broken and just results in an error. Does the customer blame the target site? probably they blame you as the experience is on your website.
We are not selling this tool BUT we will perform a review of your website for you using it to locate all broken links and present you with a report so that you can locate and fix these broken links. We can help fix if needed for a cost but either way we will advise on what you can do to fix the broken links
How does this service work? - It is really simple and follows these steps:
- Tell us the URL of your website or section of your website to review
- We will agree a fixed price per broken link audit dependant on the size of your website and number of pages. We change £100 + VAT for a small website up to 100 pages. Ask for bigger websites
- We will conduct an audit of your website for broken links
- We will advise you what you can change in your web site and a report of the broken links that have been located
Talk to us to use this service.
Let us Host Your Website or Email
Over the years we have had a lot of websites and domains and indeed we still have aorund 70 domains and 5 or 6 websites. As part of that we have a hosting account on a large web hosting platform. We used this for our sites and emails and we host a small number of customer / family websites and / or just email.
As we have this service we have decided to open this up to customers. If you would like your website to be hosted by someone else not in the web industry but running a small business (Oracle security consulting, training and software) then please contact us. We are very flexible and can speak to customers from their point of view and not from the view of a web company.
More About our Web Services
We can offer you help with your website and with services based around it. To learn more:
- Our Story
Learn more about why and how we decided to help other small companies with web services
- Ask PeteFinnigan.com Limited to perform web based services
PeteFinnigan.com Limited are able to help you with some aspects of your website and improving how it helps your business
- PFCLSEO Articles
Read some articles about PFCLSEO
Read some blog entries about PFCLSEO
Find out more details of the roadmap for the PFCLSEO product
The PFCLSEO Home page shows high level details of PFCLSEO web services and provides access to all of the other details
Like to Purchase a service, More Details?, Want To Partner?
Please email info@petefinnigan.com to enquire about the services and PeteFinnigan.com Limited providing these services for you. Please email for details.