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Welcome / News
Check out what is going on in the Oracle security world, this site and announcements regarding this forum
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Jan 6th, 2010, 8:48am by Pete Finnigan |
Feedback and forum suggestions
Add your own feedback on this forum here, whats good, whats bad and what you think should be added in the future
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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20 |
Jan 1st, 2006, 9:03pm by Pete Finnigan |
Database Security |
Database Security
talk about general database security issues here. Anything that is not specific to Oracle, SQL Server or MySQL security. Concepts, tools anything really that is not specific to a particular database
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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79 |
Apr 9th, 2010, 8:03am by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Security |
Oracle Security
Talk about Oracle security in general, ask questions about patches, features, functions code and the use, design, development of Oracle security functions. Also talk about auditing databases. Basically talk about anything to do with Oracle Security.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
198 |
775 |
Nov 11th, 2013, 1:08pm by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Auditing
Ask questions here related to using the audit features of Oracle, such as standard database audit, Fine Grained Audit (FGA) or trigger based audit. Don't forget log file generation and custom logging and auditing.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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44 |
Nov 28th, 2014, 3:53pm by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Express Security
If you have specific security questions relating to Oracle Express (XE) then ask them here. This could include problems, bugs, patches and workarounds, anything basically relating to securing and hardening XE for real world use.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Nov 9th, 2005, 9:20am by Pete Finnigan |
Application Server Security
If you have specific Oracle security questions about the security and auditing of Oracle's application server then ask them here
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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24 |
Sep 21st, 2009, 1:10pm by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Security tools
If you have some free Oracle security tools or scripts or links to tools then announce them here or discuss their use. Also news of any useful commercial Oracle security tools can be discussed as well
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
24 |
115 |
Jul 2nd, 2014, 10:49am by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Internals
Discuss Oracle internals and undocumented details and information here.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
4 |
13 |
Sep 20th, 2008, 6:19am by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Security Jobs
If you have a need for an Oracle Security professional then advertise here (any none Oracle security jobs will be removed)
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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6 |
Apr 20th, 2006, 6:50am by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle General |
General Oracle questions
Ask general questions about Oracle here that are not specific to Oracle security or security in general. A sort of off topic for security but still Oracle board!
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
24 |
48 |
Mar 5th, 2016, 3:21am by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Jobs
Advertise any Oracle related jobs here. DBA, developers, PL/SQL, C, Por*C, Forms, Reports, HTMLDB, anything Oracle related. Note that there is a specific board for Oracle security jobs above. If any non Oracle specific jobs are posted they will be removed.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
10 |
12 |
May 29th, 2010, 2:10pm by Pete Finnigan |
Oracle Express
Talk about anything at all to do with Oracle Express, except security issues as there is a separate board above for those issues
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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5 |
Sep 3rd, 2007, 6:43am by Pete Finnigan |
SQL Server Security |
SQL Server Security
Talk about SQL Server security in general, ask questions about patches, features, functions code and the use, design, development of SQL Security security functions. Also talk about auditing databases. Basically talk about anything to do with SQL Server Security.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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N/A by N/A |
SQL Server Security Tools
If you have some free SQL Server security tools or scripts or links to tools then announce them here or discuss their use. Also news of any useful commercial SQL Server security tools can be discussed as well
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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2 |
Jul 16th, 2010, 10:46am by Pete Finnigan |
SQL Server Internals
Discuss SQL Server internals and undocumented details and information here.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Dec 14th, 2005, 12:42am by Pete Finnigan |
SQL Server Security jobs
If you have a need for an SQL Server Security professional then advertise here (any none SQL Server security jobs will be removed)
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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N/A by N/A |
SQL Server General |
SQL Server General
Ask general questions about SQL Server here that are not specific to SQL Server security or security in general. A sort of off topic for security but still SQL Server board!
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Jul 21st, 2010, 11:54am by Pete Finnigan |
SQL Server jobs
Advertise any SQL Server related jobs here. DBA, developers, anything SQL Server related. Note that there is a specific board for SQL Server security jobs above. If any non SQL Server specific jobs are posted they will be removed.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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2 |
Mar 20th, 2006, 2:23am by Pete Finnigan |
MySQL Security |
MySQL Security
Talk about MySQL security in general, ask questions about patches, features, functions code and the use, design, development of MySQL security functions. Also talk about auditing databases. Basically talk about anything to do with MySQL Security.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Feb 17th, 2009, 12:06pm by Pete Finnigan |
MySQL Security Tools
If you have some free MySQL security tools or scripts or links to tools then announce them here or discuss their use. Also news of any useful commercial MySQL security tools can be discussed as well
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
1 |
3 |
Sep 8th, 2007, 8:18pm by Pete Finnigan |
MySQL Internals
Discuss MySQL internals and undocumented details and information here.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Aug 2nd, 2009, 1:59pm by Pete Finnigan |
MySQL Jobs
If you have a need for an MySQL Security professional then advertise here (any none MySQL security jobs will be removed)
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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N/A by N/A |
MySQL General |
MySQL General Questions
Ask general questions about MySQL here that are not specific to MySQL security or security in general. A sort of off topic for security but still MySQL board!
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Jul 9th, 2010, 4:55pm by Pete Finnigan |
Security In General |
If you want to discuss security subjects in general then please do so here. Anything not related to Oracle such as CSS, buffer overflows, cracking, reverse engineering, social engineering, penetration testing, basically anything security related.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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33 |
Oct 23rd, 2008, 10:54am by Pete Finnigan |
Web Development |
Web Development
Talk about web development in this board. This is the forum for my web development site Talk about cgi, perl , css, search engines, spiders even stopping the problems of spam, indeed anything that interests you in web development.
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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14 |
Nov 9th, 2009, 5:28am by Pete Finnigan |
Programming and Scripting |
Programming and Scripting
Talk about any programming issues you would like to here. It can be about security or not. If the focus becomes dedicated to specific languages we can create seperate boards. Talk about C, Perl, shell, Java or whatever. Programming or scripting
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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Aug 2nd, 2007, 1:19pm by Pete Finnigan |
Science, books, computers and anything of interest |
Off Topic
This is an off-topic board from my other boards of database security and security in general. I am personally interested in anything scientific, books, films, great ideas, anything really that remains decent!
Moderator: Pete Finnigan |
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22 |
Nov 23rd, 2007, 8:31am by Pete Finnigan |