PFCLCode - PL/SQL Security Tool to Review for Coding Issues
PeteFinnigan.com Limited have developed a static source code analyser for PL/SQL. PFCLCode version 2024 primary function is to scan and review your PL/SQL source code. It works by connecting to the database and analyses your PL/SQL packages, procedures, functions and types by extracting them from the database first. The reason we start in the database is because PL/SQL is a database langauge and does not run in isolation from the database. Also we need to assess how and where your PL/SQL code is deployed and obviously the security implications of the code, the depoyment and all of the dependencies. The analyser of course does focus on dangerous syntax used and can detect issues such as SQL Injection but it can also tell you about incorrect use of dangerous resources or incorrect management of resources. PFCLCode of course can also address permissions and design decsions made when the code is deployed to the database.
Here is the PFCLCode main interface:

PFCLCode also includes a detailed dashboard to give you an overview of the code that you are analysing and number of issues located. It also allows you to compare the current situation in your PL/SQL code and compare to any previous analysis that you have done. Here is a screen shot of the dashboard:

PFCLCode is a Windows based software and it can be used by a developer or a tester or a security analyst to review source code already deployed to a database. It needs to connect to a development or test database or even production to analyse the PL/SQL source code.
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- Ask PeteFinnigan.com Limited to Perform a Secure Coding Analysis
PeteFinnigan.com Limited are able to help you scan your own PL/SQL by offering scanning using PFCLCode as a service
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Like to Purchase, More Details?, Want To Partner?
Please email info@petefinnigan.com to enquire about the product; PFCLCode can also be used as part of a consulting engagement with PeteFinnigan.com where we can assess your deployed PL/SQL for you as part of a source code analysis engagement. Alternately you can purchase a license for PFCLCode from us. Please email for details.