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   Event 10046 trace report makers
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   Author  Topic: Event 10046 trace report makers  (Read 7935 times)
Pete Finnigan Administrator

Oracle Security is easier if you design for it

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Event 10046 trace report makers
« on: Feb 14th, 2006, 11:01am »
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Hi everybody,
If you, like me, use event 10046 tracing often for performance analysis, you need some kind of tool to translate the trace file to response time information. There are a couple of tools to do the trick:

  • Oracle's standard trace tool tkprof
  • Oracle Metalink's Trace Analyzer (Note 224270.1)
  • Hotsos Profiler (

Tkprof's report however is a little limitted. Trace Analyzers report is very nice, but it doesn't handle recursive SQL (SQL in PL/SQL) well. Hotsos Profiler is a commercial product. You need to upload your trace file to their website and if you bought a license, it will produce the report for you. I can say from experience that it is a very complete and nice HTML report.  
I while ago I discovered OraSRP. OraSRP is an open source tool that produces HTML reports of your traces, similar to those of Hotsos Profiler. I've tried it, already for a while. The only thing I've noticed, is that it has some problems concerning trace files larger than about 20 Mb. But even then you get most of the information in your HTML report. You can download OraSRP from
From a security perspective it is noteworthy that starts its own HTTP server on your workstation to produce the HTML reports. So perhaps it's wise to stop this process as soon as you have the report in your hands.
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Pete Finnigan (
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Pete Finnigan Administrator

Oracle Security is easier if you design for it

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Re: Event 10046 trace report makers
« Reply #1 on: Mar 29th, 2006, 10:07am »
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Hello Marcel-Jan,
I tried download orasrp from, but on page is stated
"Due to personal obligations, OraSRP project is closed. " (probably Egor Starostin was bought by Hotsos Sad( )
Could anybody send me last binary version of orasrp tool (windows), because I can't find it anywhere.
Thank you.
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Pete Finnigan (
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Pete Finnigan Administrator

Oracle Security is easier if you design for it

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Gender: male
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Re: Event 10046 trace report makers
« Reply #2 on: May 16th, 2006, 11:41am »
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Sorry for the late response.  
I also wonder what happened to the OraSRP project. But I happened to find a Linux edition of OraSRP (including sourcecode) just today.
Have a look.
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Pete Finnigan (
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Pete Finnigan Administrator

Oracle Security is easier if you design for it

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Gender: male
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Re: Event 10046 trace report makers
« Reply #3 on: Jul 7th, 2006, 10:40am »
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thank you very much.
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Pete Finnigan (
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