PFCLScan Version 2024 License
PFCLScan version 2024 is licensed on an annual subscription basis. After the subscription period ends you will be invited to renew, if you choose not to renew then you will no longer be able to use PFCLScan.
Conversely if you do renew then we want to recognise loyalty to our product and as such we have set renewal license fees to be approximately 55% of the first years license fee; Our fees are very competitive as it is our goal to make tools such as PFCLScan realistically available at a reasonable license fee to as many people as possible.
Unlike other products our license fee is based on the installation of PFCLScan not the number of databases (or other targets) that you wish to scan.
We have created a simple license model for annual licensing of PFCLScan:
License | Seats | Targets | Term | License Fee | Renewal Fee |
Pro | 1 | Unlimited | 1 year | £1095 | £585 |
Enterprise | Unlimited | Unlimited | 1 year | £2,995 | £1,755 |
Engagement | 1 | Unlimited | 30 days | £145 | £115 |
- The payment can be made by Bank transfer or by credit card. Ask us about payment methods
- The license fee is quoted in GBP (British Pounds) and is net of any VAT, which will be added where appropriate
- If the licensee (the person or company buying a license) is not resident in the UK then they are the importer of record and the licensee is fully responsible for ensuring that the imported goods comply with local laws and regulations and that the purchase is in full compliance with the laws of the country the goods are imported and that all local import duties and taxes in respect to the goods are paid
- If the licensee (the person or company buying a license) is not resident in the UK then there may be import duties and / or taxes due on the goods in the licensees country. PeteFinnigan.com Limited is not responsible for these charges and we do not estimate or calculate what these charges may be. We expect the full license fee quoted above to be received by us. If taxes such as WHT (WithHoldingTax) are retained in the licensees country then they MUST pay a license fee + WHT so that PeteFinnigan.com Limited receive the full license fee above. Please speak to us before paying to ensure that the invoice reflects the correct fee + WHT
- The license is an annual subscription; the renewal fees quoted for subsequent years of use are approximately 55% of the initial license fee. As long as you remain licensed you qualify for the reduced license fee.
- To take advantage of the reduced renewal fee you must renew the annual license before it expires or no later than 30 days from the expiration date of any current license. Be aware that the software is technically limited to stop working after the expiration date of the license.
- If you do not renew the annual license for PFCLScan after it expires you cannot continue to use it.
- PFCLScan product support is included in the license fee but not consulting or training. We can provide these for a fee, please talk to us at info@petefinnigan.com
- All major and minor updates are available for free whilst you are fully licensed
- We provide regular policy and report updates as well as new features and functionality
- All support is remote only via our support ticket website. We do not make site visits
Our goal with PFCLScan version 2024 is to provide really good useful functionality at a fair price so we do not base out license fees on the number of databases (or indeed other targets) scanned. We have a number of different licenses; these are discussed next:
Engagement License
An engagement license is aimed at a consultant who needs to perform a database security audit internally once or for a client but who does not need to use the PFCLScan software for a year or longer.
An engagement license has all the same features as a Pro annual license but the license term lasts instead for 30 days. This license is great for a single audit or a single engagement. The fee is again based on our same installation based model and does not limit the number of targets that can be scanned in one company.
This engagement license can be purchased for a single engagement to perform an audit internally or for your customers if you are a consultant. You can renew the engagement license for an 18% discount provided that the renewal is concurrent to the original license.
Pro License
This license has the same features as the engagement license but the license lasts for one year. The software can be installed on one PC only in your own company OR at one customer of yours - The implications of consultant use of the license are discussed below.
Enterprise License
This license and software is the same as the Pro license with the exception that you may install the software as many times as you need within your own company OR at one customer of yours - The implications of consultant use of the license are discussed below.
Consultant based Scanning
Our normal licenses (Enterprise, Pro and Engagement) are specifically to allow you to install our software in your own company and on your own machines and to scan Oracle databases that you have licensed for your own company use.
Note: Any license covers one customer only. So if you purchase the license for internal use to scan your own databases then that is valid. If you buy a license with the intention to scan multiple of your customers then that is an invalid use of the license. In simple terms we wish to get paid a license fee for each actual end customer (your customer or ours (you)).
If you as the customer is intending to provide a security audit for single clients at a time then an Engagement license per your end customer audit is a good approach where a small number of engagements are conducted from time to time where our software is installed on the consultants laptop. If you instead have a customer of yours who would like to have their database scanned by you monthly or weekly then two options are possible; the first is that you purchase a Pro license for your customer and you scan their database(s) monthly or weekly as needed. This license is for the end customer BUT you purchase it. In this case talk to us and we can allow you to install the license on your laptop as a consultant for your end customer but a single license must be purchased for each end customer use. The second option is service based scanning where you would like to offer scans from your infrastructure and provide scanning services to your customers on demand. This is discussed below. Alternately please email info@petefinnigan.com to discuss licensing options.
Service Based Scanning
Our normal licenses (Enterprise, Pro and Engagement) are designed specifically to allow you to install our software in your own company and on your own machines and to scan Oracle databases that you have licensed or for you to purchase a license for your end customer as discussed above where you audit your customers databases on a one-off basis . Where there customer wishes to scan its own customers databases to provide a scanning as a service (SAAS) to its customers then the normal Pro, Engagement and Enterprise licenses are not suitable. We are able to provide SAAS licensing options for these cases. Please email info@petefinnigan.com to discuss these licensing options with us.
OEM License
If you plan to provide Scanning As A Service (SAAS) then there are two main options. You can install PFCLScan in your own SOC and connect remotely to customers databases and scan and produce reports for them. The other option is to integrate our scanning engine into your own software product or your service based infrastructure. We already do this with a small number of partners.
we have an OEM version of the scanner that can be integrated easily into any other software product that runs on Windows. Our OEM version can be integrated into GUI or command line tools. We provide one DLL that you use to pass the database credentials to us and we then provide you with one batch command to run a complete scan. The scan can produce an XML report or a JSON report that can easily be integrated into any existing products or screens. We can create output for you in any format. Please ask us for details.
Multiple Product License Purchase Reductions
If you purchase multiple licenses of our products; for instance PFCLScan and PFCLCode then we will build a single installer that has both products built into it. These products are accessible via the tools menu of PFCLScan. If instead you purchase a single product such as PFCLObfuscate then this is available via out application launcher instead.
To recognise customers who buy licenses for multiple products at the same time (such as PFCLScan + PFCLCode + PFCLObfuscate) then we will give you a license cost discount whether this is for a Pro license or an Enterprise license and also whether the purchase is a new license or a renewal. The more products that you license at the same purchase time the bigger the overall license cost saving to you.
The license prices for 2, 3 products purchased or 4 products are here for new licenses and also for renewals. The saving is also shown in this following table:
No of Products Licensed | New Pro License | Renew Pro License | New Enterprise License | Renew Enterprise License |
2 Products | £1,840 (Saving £350) | £1,015 (saving £155) | £4,990 (saving £1,000) | £2,495 (saving £565) |
3 Products | £2,630 (Saving £655) | £1,450 (saving £305) | £7,200 (saving £1,785) | £4,500 (saving £765) |
4 Products | £3,500 (Saving £880) | £1,865 (saving £465) | £9,585 (saving £2,395) | £5,615 (saving £1,405) |
How to Buy
To purchase PFCLScan send an email to info@petefinnigan.com with a requirement of how many licenses you wish to purchase. Ideally this should be a purchase order or similar. We will issue an invoice and when payment is received create a licensed copy of PFCLScan for you and a download link and support login.
When you receive the download URL you will be able to download the software and installation guide and install the software. Once installed a key is generated the first time you use the software and this should be supplied to support to get an activation code.
We also require potential purchasers to not use generic email addresses as we cannot send out activation codes to these types of email address.
The purchaser is the importer of record and is responsible for ensuring that the license purchase is fully compliant with all local laws and taxes.
The EULA is available to review by you in advance of purchasing by emailing us. See the contact page. Please note we do not normally make any requested changes to our EULA. We will take all proposed changes into consideration but reserve the right to pass on any legal fees before doing so. We feel our license fees are very competitive and to include legal fees for custom EULA’s would often cost more that we get in return for the license fee.
We can accept payment by bank transfer or by Credit card. if you would like to pay by card the we need to add a small fee to cover the card processing fees. Ask us first and we can arrange that for you