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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	The plugin interface execution engine changed to not depend on
		a hard coded ouptut report template
2	DOC	The installation guide is modified to remove the offer to activate
		over the phone.
3	INSTALL	The installation was updated to include the latest ftp/sftp engine dll
4	CODE	PFCLScanSFTP and PFCLScan updated to use the latest ftp/sftp engine
5	INSTALL	The installation has been updated to include the latest word processor
		dlls and configuration files
6	CODE	PFCLScan, PFCLScanEditor and PFCLScanWordProcessor have all been updated 
		to use the latest word processor engine
7	CODE	License issue resolved where runtime licenses would not be recognised for
		one customer
8	CODE	Help screen changed to show the application version not the specific version
		from the PFCLScan binaries.
9	CODE	Copyright in PFCLScan updated to 2014. 
10	CODE	All binaries had copyright changed to 2014 in the assemblies and also
		on banners
11	CODE	Fixed copyright on the logon screen
12	CODE	Changed the OCI.dll message to include a reference to the installation guide
		and also to state to copy the complete instant client to the bin directory
13	CODE	Updated PFCLScan to use the latest spreadsheet engine
14	INSTAll	Updated installation to use latest spreadsheet engine
15	CODE	All .NET projects now updated to build against .NET 4.0
16	INSTALL	The installer has been updated to now include .NET 4.0 and not .NET 2.0
17	CODE	repo and installrepo have been updated to use .NET 4.0 security libraries
18	INSTALL	The .net security libraries updated from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0
19	CODE	PFCLScan GUI; bug fixed with ssh console license validation
20	CODE	oscan updated to use the latest cryptography libraries for user credentials 
21	INSTALL	.NET 4.0 changed to use the web installer URL in the pre-requisites
22	DOC	The installation guide has been updated to cover that PFCLScan is now built
		with version 4.0 of .NET
23	DOC	The main product documentation has been updated to cover that PFCLScan is now
		built with version 4.0 of .NET
24	CODE	PFCLScan, PFCLScanSSH and PFCLScanSFTP have all been updated to now use .net 4.0
		versions of the SSH and FTP libraries.
25	CODE	PFCLScan has been updated to use version 3.5 .NET spreadsheet engine instead
		of .NET 2.0
26	INSTALL	Installer updated to include the correct .NET 3.5 versions of the core spread
		sheet engine
27	INSTALL	Installer updated to include the .NET 4.0 SSH and SFTP engine dlls
28	CODE	Updated PFCLScan and the core editor to use latest text editor engine.
29	INSTALL	Updated the installer to use the latest core editor engine dlls