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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	DOC	Documentation; tuning section. Details of how to disable or enable XML
		logging by the PFCLScan engine have been added.
2	DOC	Documentation; debugging section. Details of how to stop a scan have been 
3	INSTALL	Windows 8 and 8.1 not supported yet; default support in installer removed
4	INSTALL	Pre-requisite for Adobe 11 is removed from the installer
5	INSTALL	Application.xml modified to include project escape sequence
6	CODE	updated PFCLScan to escape "!" when repo is called in new project and also
		run report
7	CODE	repo updated to escape "!" back on receipt in a repo variable
8	CODE	Issue with new projects where a description  included ! is fixed
9	CODE	repo tool changed to manually construct digital dates and not include words
		so that it will work with non UK Windows
10	CODE	Installrepo changed to manually construct digital dates and not include words
		so that it will work with non UK Windows
11	INSTALL	Installer changed to include VC2005 and VC2010 c redist packages natively. Also
		vc x64 package dropped as the software is currently only x32
12	DOC	Main documentation updated to cover the need to install a full instant client
		to the PFCLScan Bin directory for Windows 7 and later. The documentation also has
		the need to set the date format to en_gb removed
13	DOC	Installation documentation updated to cover the need to install a full instant client
		to the PFCLScan Bin directory for Windows 7 and later. The documentation also has
		the need to set the date format to en_gb removed
14	CODE	The main code base is extensively changed to allow the use of PFCLScan on non 
		English Windows clients. The inernal formats of dates has been changed
		to allow this. 
15	GENERAL	The new date formats and keyboard settings have been tested initially with German
		windows using German language, keyboard, date formats, UK language, keyboards
		and date format and also Iceland language, localle, date format and keyboard. The
		software is also tested on French Windows with French native language, keyboard
		and date formats and also UK language, keyboard and date format
16	CODE	The SSH command line tool has been completely re-written to use a different connect
		method and command execution. This enables us to now ignore banners from from sshd,
		/etc/issue, /etc/motd, .bash_profile, last logon, .bashrc.This enables just command
		output to be returned to the scanner
17	INSTALL	Auditor, Auditor Linux, Cracker and Empty project templates have all been changed
		to turn off script logging and xml logging by default.
18	CHECK	Password strength policy; The check for global failed logins was changed to work 
		also for 9.2 databases where it failed as this parameter did not exist
19	CHECK	Audit Parameters Polict; New check added to get audit_file_dest
20	CHECK	Audit Config policy; Audit file location modified to work for 9.2 
		for a customer