Call: +44 (0)7759 277220 Call
version 1.3.743.1108

Release notes for version 1.3.743.1108

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	Telerik IlMerge code added
2	CODE	Telerik assembiles changed to GAC versions
3	INSTALL	Telerik DLLs removed from installer
4	BUILD	Build updated to include Telerik merge
5	CODE	Ticket #829998; New unhandled exception window added to allow the exceptions 
		to be cut and pasted from the message window by the user
6	CODE	Login; Copyright and license text changed
7	CODE	Login; Login Window made larger
8	CODE	New Project Wizard; buttons changed to flat style
9	CODE	Choose PFCLReport Template; additonal styling carried out
10	CODE	Interview; buttons re-styled
11	CODE	Base64Decoder; anchoring corrected