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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	INSTALL	AudPriv.pfp spell checked and cleaned
2	INSTALL	AudInit.pfp spell checked and cleaned
3	INSTALL	AudPreEmp.pfp spell checked and cleaned
4	INSTALL	AudInfo.pfp spell checked and cleaned
5	INSTALL	AudParameter.pfp spell checked and cleaned
6	INSTALL	AudUserPrivilege.pfp spell checked and cleaned
7	INSTALL	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp spell checked and cleaned
8	INSTALL	AudPatch.pfp spell checked and cleaned
9	INSTALL	PasswordCracking.pfp spell checked and cleaned
10	INSTALL	backdoors.pfp spell checked and cleaned
11	INSTALL	package.pfp spell checked and cleaned
12	INSTALL	object.pfp spell checked and cleaned
13	INSTALL	AuditConfig.pfp spell checked and cleaned
14	INSTALL	Backup.pfp spell checked and cleaned
15	INSTALL	FileSystem.pfp spell checked cleaned
16	INSTALL	Passwords.pfp spell checked and cleaned.
17	INSTALL	KeyRecommends.pfp spell checked and cleaned
18	CHECK	Policy 8, 27 changed text to move definitions around 
		config to the developer text field only
19	CHECK	Policy 8, 31 changed text to specify that the number of
		roles defined as reasonable can be set in the config. This
		definition has moved to the developer text
20	CHECK	Policy 8,33. The definition of schemas can be overridden by
		setting the config. This advice has moved to developer notes
21	CHECK	Policy 9,11. The definition for the root setting of the failed
		logins can be set via config as a preferred setting for the scan.
		This text has been moved to the developer notes
22	CHECK	Policy 23, 6; text regarding listing specific security triggers to 		
		test for existancehas been moved to developer notes
23	CHECK	Policy 23,7; text regarding the ability to pre-list schema accounts
		in the config has moved to the developer notes
24	CODE	oemscan.tem corrected syntax of PFCLreport Script comments
25	CODE	oemscan.tem; policy code node; pfclcode ammended to fix syntax error
26	CODE	oemscan.tem; checkguid added to allow unique identification
27	CODE	oemscan.tem; , , , ; CDATA 
		added to all nodes.
28	INSTALL	Object.pfp; NLS Instance parameters check re-enabled
29	CODE	oemscan.tem;  removed as policy sequence is correct and
30	CODE	oemscan.tem;  added additional node around
		each group of check details
31	CODE	oemscan.tem; updated all blocks in the report to not print all policies
		and all checks but instead to omit some checks from policy 9 and some
		from policy 23 where these conflict with the PFCLS.config and the OEM
32	CODE	oemscan.tem; template tuned to use shortcodes for faster processing
33	CODE	oemscan.tem; limited compaction of template for faster processing
34	INSTALL	policy 10,4, check for patches n-x, notes regarding set up of n are 
		moved to the developer notes