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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CHECK	All checks in AudPatch.pfp re-numbered to APL{nnnn} from APA{nnnn}
		to remove conflict with numbering in Parameter.pfp checks
2	INSTALL	SandGrid component updated to version 2.2.4
3	INSTALL	wodssh component updated to version 2.6.3
4	INSTALL	wodftp component updated to version 1.8.0
5	INSTALL	RapidSpell component udated to version
6	INSTALL Syntax Editor updated component to version 14.1.0323
7	INSTALL Syntax Editor XML files updated to version 14.1.0323
8	INSTALL	TextEditor component updated to version 22.0.800.500
9	INSTALL	Spreadsheet component updated to version 8.0.20151.0
10	CODE	trace logging ammended to default to raw trace when the
		GUI has not started