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version 1.4.303.1431

Release notes for version 1.4.303.1431

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	timing_details.tem updated to allow accurate timing of a scan
2	CODE	Ticket #520328: dbs.exe updated to prevent token buffer overflows
3	CODE	Ticket #520328: blank.exe updated to prevent token buffer overflows
4	CODE	Ticket #520328: dos2unix.exe updated to prevent token buffer overflows
5	CODE	Ticket #520328: unix2dos.exe updated to prevent token buffer overflows
6	CODE	Width of checks listbox in policy editor made wider to show the 
		complete check names
7	CHECK	Ticket #520328: Description modified to show the limits on public grants
		not found by check USP00018
8	CHECK	Ticket #520328: Check USP00018 rewritten to improve performance of the 
		query. The check now limits PUBLIC grants on Oracle objects but not PUBLIC
		on customer objects
9	CHECK	Ticket #520328: USP00022 description addd to note specifically that PUBLIC 
		grants are not included.
10	CHECK	Ticket #520328: USP00023 description addd to note specifically that PUBLIC 
		grants are not included.
11	CHECK	Ticket #520328: Description modified to show the limits on public grants
		not found by check USP00019
12	CHECK	Ticket #520328: Check USP00019 rewritten to improve performance of the 
		query. The check now limits PUBLIC grants on Oracle objects but not PUBLIC
		on customer objects