Call: +44 (0)7759 277220 Call
version 1.4.346.0956

Release notes for version 1.4.346.0956

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	Ticket #534612. License field changed to read only
2	CODE	Ticket #534612. License description text changed as it implied the license
		could be changed whereas it cannot
3	CODE	Width of the policy/checks box in the results screen widened to allow the
		whole text of a policy / check to be shown
4	CODE	Ticket #707743. The options screen full screen editor fixed to save the 
		open file when in full screen mode by simply clicking the full screen menu
		for save in the same way as the embedded editor behaves.
5	CODE	Ticket #734777. The DOS box caused a crash when closed via the [x]. An exit
		handler has been added to close the DOS process