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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	NEW	New project template TestProject.tem created to allow testing of 
		scanner features without connecting to a database
2	INSTALL	TestProject.tem added to the project templates
3	NEW	New policy TestConfig.pfp created to allow off-line testing of the
		scanner without a database
4	NEW	New policy TestConfig2.pfp created to allow off-line testing of
		the scanner without a database.
5	INSTALL	TestConfig.pfp added to the install
6	INSTALL	TestConfig2.pfp added to the install
7	INSTALL	New flag added to the application.tem for prevention of multiple
		executions of a scan
8	INSTALL	app.tem updated to match application.tem
9	CODE	Ticket #603361: New flag added to scanner gui parameters
10	CODE	Ticket #603361: New flag loaded, and saved on exit
11	CODE	Ticket #603361: Functionality added to prevent a scan if one is 
		running already.
12	INSTALL	Ticket #902266: two new parameters added to application.xml to control 
		the use of OCI non-blocking mode to allow SQL timeouts
13	INSTALL	Ticket #902266: two new parameters added to app.xml to control the use
		of OCI non-blocking mode to allow SQL timeouts
14	CODE	Ticket #902266: Two OCI non-blocking parameters added to the GUI parameters
15	CODE	Ticket #902266: new OCI parameters loaded and saved on exit
16	CODE	Copyright in Lock.exe corrected
17	CODE	Copyright in Load.exe corrected
18	CODE	Version number in oscan.exe updated
19	CODE	Copyright in oscan.exe corrected
20	CODE	Ticket #902266. Lock.exe updated to process the non-blocking parameters
		and to write them to the oscan configuration file
21	CODE	Ticket #902266. oscan.exe updated to parse and save the non-blocking mode
		OCI parameters.
22	CODE	Ticket #902266. SQL and PL/SQL processing changed to allow use of 
		non-blocing mode if specified.
23	NEW	New project template TestDatabase.tem created to allow testing of
		scanner features that include database access
24	INSTALL	TestDatabase.tem added to project templates
25	NEW	New policy TestSQL.pfp created to allow simple testing of scanner features
		that involve connecting to the database
26	INSTALL	Added TestSQL.pfp to the install
27	CODE	Ticket #902266. Deal with OCI STILL EXECUTING in OCI fetch
28	NEW	New policy TestPLSQL.pfp created to allow simple scanner function testing
		when connected to the database.
29	INSTALL	TestPLSQL.pfp added to the install
30	CODE	TestDatabase.tem updated to add PL/SQL test policy
31	CODE	Ticket #902266. code updated to handle error and cancel operations by
		reporting an error string that fits the results window
32	DOC	Ticket #902266. The manual has been updated to include a section on cancelling
		a scan
33	DOC	Ticket #603361. Updated running a scan to include resetting of the multiple 
		scans flag