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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	INSTALL	New report template added to report on multiple databases scanned in
		the same project
2	CODE	Ticket #958794. Added check to test if the user chose to save the
		project before saving it
3	CODE	Ticket #958794. The project save on close has been corrected to not read
		targets from window structures as they had been cleared on window wind
		down to write the contents of the current visible target only. This
		caused the targets to be duplicated.
4	CODE	Ticket #146759. The SSH component was reverted to a previous version due
		to issues in the new version shipped.
5	INSTALL	Auditor.tem updated to add multiple database summary report as a project
6	INSTALL AuditorLinux.tem updated to add multiple database summary report as a project