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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	Spider DLL added by moving the spider, page and pageManager from
		the webscraper.exe
2	CODE	webscraper.exe updated to use the new Spider.dll
3	INSTALL	AdvancedInstaller updated to 13.8.1
4	INSTALL	Spider.dll added to the installation
5	DOC	Installation document updated to reflect VS2015 and supported 
		Windows and Oracle versions
6	DOC	Ticket #918873. Installation guide updated to note that a 32 bit
		Oracle client must be used not 64 bit
7	DOC	Ticket #918873. Installation section of the manual updated to
		show that a 32 bit Oracle client is required not a 64 bit version
8	DOC	Install section of the manual updated to show correct VC++ redist 
		packages and Windows versions
9	CODE	PFCLScan about box, copyright fixed to 2017
10	CODE	PFCLScan splash screen copyright updated to 2017
11	CODE	Ticket #687227. The single ? icon in the main  screen did not open 
		the help application. This is fixed.
12	CODE	PFCLATK Toolstrip added and controls added to the compiler controls
13	CODE	Ticket #652260. Fixed the graph in the results screen for normal 
		projects and also interview projects so that the number of errors
		matches the reports.
14	CODE	Ticket #321438. If a linked file is added before a check is saved
		then an exception is raised; fixed to check if the check is saved
		before allowing a linked file to be added.
15	INSTALL	FTP DLL updated to 1.8.2 in the installer
16	INSTALL	SSH DLL updated to 2.6.6 in the installer
17	CODE	PFCLScan.exe ftp dll updated to 1.8.2
18	CODE	PFCLScan.exe ssh dll updated to 2.6.6
19	CODE	PFCLScanSFTP.exe ftp dll updated to 1.8.2
20	CODE	PFCLScanSSH.exe ssh dll updated to 2.6.6
21	CODE	Added the PFCLATK window and its control functions and methods to 
		open it and find it if open already
22	CODE	processing added to force the PFCLATK screen to only open once
23	INSTALL	pfclatk directory added to the installation
24	INSTALL	pfclatk \html, \images, \css, \src and \js directories added tp
		the installation
25	INSTALL	application.tem - added pfclatk.html.dash to config for the start
		location of the atk dashboard
25	INSTALL	app.tem - added pfclatk.html.dash to config for the start
		location of the atk dashboard
26	INSTALL	application.tem - Added username,password,host,ip and sid variables
		for the ATC user details
26	INSTALL	app.tem - Added username,password,host,ip and sid variables for 
		the ATC user details
27	CODE	Functionallity added to process the dashboard and database 
		parameters for PFCLATK