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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	INSTALL	Installer updated to version 14.5.2
2	CODE	Ticket #564107. Oracle OCI connect function changed to fatal error
		if OCIServerAttach fails so that the root error is logged to the
		screen and not just trace
3	CODE	Ticket #564107. TestOCIConnect called from Lua changed to fatal error
		if OCIServerAttach fails so that the root error is logged to the Lua
4	CODE	Ticket #354351. the read buffer in the processconfig function increased
		to a much larger value to accomodate possible large service_names
5	DOC	Ticket #638589. The install document updated to state that "As Administrator"
		should be used if default Windows system directories are chosen for
		the bin and data locations during install.
6	DOC	Ticket #638589. The opening PFCLScan section of the manual updated to 
		state that "As Administrator" should be used if default Windows system 
		directories are chosen for the bin and data locations during install