Release notes for version
No Type Description --- ----- ---------------------------------- 1 INSTALL Added css directory to the installation for CSS used in PFCLScan reports 2 INSTALL Added image directory to the installation to hold images for the PFCLScan reports 3 INSTALL Added deprecated directory to the repotempates directory to store old report templates that are replaced by new ones 4 INSTALL Added tools directory to repotemplates directory for report templates that are useful as tools 5 INSTALL single_db.tem repo template added to the installation 6 INSTALL pfclscan_repo.css added to the install for the new single database report template 7 INSTALL PeteFinniganComLimited.png added to the installation for the new single database report template 8 INSTALL pfclscan.png added to the installation for the new single database report template 9 INSTALL multiple_db.tem template added to the installation 10 INSTALL multiple_db_hdr.tem template added to the installation 11 INSTALL Database_Summary_Report.tem moved to the deprecated directory 12 INSTALL Database_Summary_Report_Mult.tem moved to the deprecated directory 13 INSTALL Ticket #729123. Database_Summary_Report.tem, copyright updated to 2017 14 CODE Ticket #729123. Database_Summary_Report_Mult.tem, copyright updated to 2017 15 CODE Auditor.tem - updated to use new single.tem, multiple_db.tem and multiple_db_hdr.tem report templates. The user_analysis.tem is removed until a later release 16 CODE Auditorlinux.tem - updated to use new single.tem, multiple_db.tem and multiple_db_hdr.tem report templates. The user_analysis.tem is removed until a later release 17 INSTALL PasswordCrackingReportSingle.tem moved to deprecated folder