Release notes for version
No Type Description --- ----- ---------------------------------- 1 INSTALL Advanced installer updated to 14.9 2 CODE extract.bat clarified the inputs for the program in the header 3 CODE Created oemrunct.bat.tem to run CT plugin projects 4 INSTALL Added oemrunct.bat.tem to the installer 5 CODE Created oemctbuild.pfcl.tem as a project template for the static code analyser build plugin 6 INSTALL Added oemctbuild.pfcl.tem to the installer 7 CODE Created oemctscan.pfcl.tem as a project template for the static code analyser scan plugin 8 INSTALL Added oemctscan.pfcl.tem to the installer 9 CODE ctoemcsv.pfp created for oemctbuild to load the CT plugin settings 10 INSTALL ctoemcsv.pfp added to the project 11 CODE ctoemcsv_3e4062.pfs created for oemctbuild to load the CT plugin settings 12 INSTALL ctoemcsv_3e4062.pfs added to the project 13 CODE updatectoem.pfp created to created the OEM CT runtime scanner project 14 INSTALL updatectoem.pfp added to the installer 15 CODE updatectoem_65cd57.pfs created for the oemctbuild to create the CT run time project 16 INSTALL updatectoem_65cd57.pfs added to the installer 17 CODE oemctbuild.tem created as the output repo template for the static code analyser plugin 18 INSTALL oemctbuild.tem added to the installer 19 CODE PFCL.config.tem updated to add schema specifier for PL/SQL code scanning projects 20 CODE PLSQLInit.pfp created to initialise a PL/SQL code scan project 21 INSTALL PLSQLInit.pfp added to the installer 22 CODE plsql.tem project template modifified to use the PLSQLInit.pfp policy and not the auditor initialisation policy 23 CHECK PLSQLInit.pfp check2 ID changed from AUI00002 to PLI00002 24 CHECK PLSQLInit.pfp check1 ID changed from AUI00001 to PLI00002 25 CHECK PLSQLInit.pfp check added to gather all Oracle default users for use in further checks 26 CHECK PLSQLInit.pfp check added to gather all Oracle default roles for use in further checks 27 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp created to support the main features of the static source code scanner 28 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp - Check added as stabalisation for the policy 29 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp - check added to summarise all PL/SQL in the database; can be for all NON-Oracle PL/SQL or for a specific schema - controlled by the PFCL.config interface 30 INSTALL PLSQLSummary.pfp added to the installer 31 CODE plsql.tem project template updated to add the PLSQLSummary.pfp policy template to the project 32 CODE PLSQLSummary.pfp - bug fixed in summary view where NIL was quoted and should not have been 33 CODE plsql_summary.tem created to perform the driving table for the PL/SQL code scanner project 34 INSTALL plsql_summary.tem added to the installer 35 CODE plsql.tem updated to remove single_db.tem and multiple_db.tem report templates 36 CODE plsql.tem updated to add the plsql_summary.tem report template 37 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp updated the summary check to also detect if the PL/SQL code is wrapped 38 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp updated column list in the check 39 CODE pfclscan_repo.css modified the table width in CSS to use the fuill screen if it is available 40 CODE pfclscan_repo.css modified the font size for the data table to smaller for to allow the data to better fit in the default report 41 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp - Check added to get all PL/SQL source code from the database for the selected code to be analysed. 42 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp - Dump check modified to only gather the names of the code not the actual code as 10027 and 1489 errors occured as the code is too big for PL/SQL buffer size or SQL line length 43 CODE PLSQLDump.pfp created to dump dynamic lists from the database such as PL/SQL code, dependencies and permissions 44 CODE plsql.tem - PLSQLDump.pfp policy added to the PL/SQL code scanner project template 45 INSTALL PLSQLDump.pfp added to the installer 46 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - stabalisation check added to the policy 47 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - Check added to write each piece of PL/SQL source code to the results field for later extraction to files 48 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - code dump check changed to use the main driving loop for input rather than a separate check for listing source 49 CHECK PLSQLSummary.pfp - removed the check that dumps the code names 50 CODE New function added into Lua so that its possible to spool a sql file from a Lua check and write the results to the filesystem 51 CODE Splash Login screen logo modified to remove PFCLScan logo 52 CODE lua function PFCLSQLSpool modified to correctly count in two parameters and not three 53 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - Dump PL/SQL Coce check modified to change the columns to a single static result column 54 CODE Lua function PFCLSQLSpool modified to clarify the return message back the Lua calling function 55 CODE Lua function PFCLSQLSpool modified to eliminate the addtionalin the spool output 56 CODE Lua function PFCLSQLSpool modified to return a message to Lua if the SQL text is not present 57 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp modified the Dump PL/SQL check to dump all code for a schema or all non Oracle users 58 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp modified the Dump PL/SQL check to ensure that the file name for each source file does not include a space 59 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp modified the Dump PL/SQL check to convert into a Lua Loop check 60 CODE Ticket #884059: Manage Check screen modified to allow a linked file of type L for a Lua Loop check 61 CODE Ticket #884059: Manage Check Linked file dialog changed in multiple places to save the sep, check ID and number of vars if the check is L type 62 CODE Ticket #884059: Manage Check Linked file - was being reset to type X for type L when the edit linked file dialog was closed 63 CODE Ticket #884059: Manage Check save check changed to allow a linked file of type L to retain the check ID, Separator and Number of checks 64 CODE Ticket #884059: LoadPolicy updated to deal with LUA LOOP checks 65 CODE Ticket #884059: SavePolicy updated to deal with LUA LOOP checks 66 CODE Ticket #884059: Edit Linked file dialog changed to allow LUA LOOP checks to assign X type linked files (internal) and also Loop linked files 67 CODE Ticket #884059: Manage Check screen load did not set the type of the linked file; this is now set 68 INSTALL New directory added to the installer for the code scanner to dumo PL/SQL source code to for further analysis 69 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp modified to include the full path to the source code storage for PL/SQL 70 CODE oscan.exe SQLSpool modified to use the spool output directory for SQL Spooled files generated from Lua 71 CODE Ticket #941749: ManageCheck Load was displacing the linked file type to put the type in the number of variables field and this corrupted a lua loop linked file entry 72 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - Dump PL/SQL Code check modified to dump the code to the new spool directory 73 INSTALL source_code directory renamed to spool to make it more generic in use