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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CHECK	AudInfo.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
2	CHECK	AudParameter.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
3	CHECK	AudUserPrivilege.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
4	CHECK	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
5	CHECK	AudPatch.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
6	CHECK	PasswordCracking.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
7	CHECK	Forensics.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
8	CHECK	Backdoors.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
9	CHECK	Package.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
10	CHECK	Object.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
11	CHECK	AuditConfig.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
12	CHECK	Network.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
13	CHECK	backup.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
14	CHECK	programming.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
15	CHECK	FileSystem.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
16	CHECK	passwords.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
17	CHECK	deep1.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
18	CHECK	deep2.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
19	CHECK	os.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
20	CHECK	osprocess.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
21	CHECK	osanal.pfp - Updated to redefine all checks categories and sub-categories
22	CODE	ManageOptions Screen - Internal Plugin run time changed to refer to Plugin
23	CODE	new process created replace.exe used to allow one project database plugins
24	INSTALL	replace.exe added to the installer
25	CODE	run10.bat - modified to also run replace.exe on any possible database 
		connection string details
26	CODE	OraclePerms.plg created to manage the Oracle permissions test plugin
27	INSTALL	OraclePerms.plg added to the installation
28	CODE	Plugins.plug updated to add the OraclePerms plugin
29	CODE	install.conf updated to include the OraclePerms.pfcl.tem template processing
30	CODE	OraclePerms.pfcl.tem created to be the Oracle database connect permissions test
		plugin template
31	INSTALL	OraclePerms.pfcl.tem added to the installer
32	NEW	debug_single.tem - created to test the format and calculations for the
		database single page security report.
33	INSTALL debug_single.tem added to the installer.
34	CODE	score_repo.css - new CSS created to be used with the single page report
		and the multi-page single page report and potentially the dashboard
35	INSTALL	score_repo.css added to the installer.
36	CHECK	userrights.pfp created to test for a users privileges
37	CHECK	userrights.pfs created to test for a users privileges
38	INSTALL	userrights.pfp added to the installer.
39	INSTALL	userrights.pfs added to the installer.
40	NEW	OraclePerms.tem created.
41	INSTALL	OraclePerms.tem added to the installer.
42	CODE	Restored diagnostic dialog button.
43	CODE	Created dashboard window.
44	CODE	Added dashboard to windows menu.
45	CODE	Added dashboard file loading on startup.
46	INSTALL	dashboard.op added to the installer.
47	CODE	Changed ribbon style to Office2010.
48	NEW	SingleScore.tem created to provide a single page summary report for a scan.
49	INSTALL	SingleScore.tem added to the installer.
50	CODE	auditor.tem - added SingleScore.tem to the project.
51	CODE	auditorlinux.tem - added SingleScore.tem to the project.
52	CODE	repo.exe - Added new variables for color levels
53	CODE	repo.exe - Added new variables for colour codes
54	CODE	repo.exe - Added new variable for choosing the level color {{OPC:vVar1}}
55	CODE	repo.exe - Added new variable for choosing the level color {{OPD:vValue:vLevel}}
56	CODE	repo.exe - Added variables for category names
57	CODE	repo.exe - Added variables for percentage gains for each category
58	CODE	repo.exe - Added variables for the category scores
59	CODE	repo.exe - Added variables for the best, second and worst gains to be made
60	CODE	repo.exe - Added variables to hold the percentage remaining per category
61	CODE	repo.exe - {{CC:vVar}} variable added to calculate and find the worst
		performing area of security in categories
62	CODE	repo.exe - {{ID:vBestxx}} variable added to return the category name based 
		on the worst or best category areas
63	CODE	repo.exe - {{SC:vBestxx}} variable added to return the percentage score 
		already fixed per category area
64	CODE	repo.exe - {{SR:vBestxx}} variable added to return the percentage score 
		to fix per category area
65	CODE	repo.exe - {{GN:vBestxx}} variable added to return the percentage gains
		for the category identified