Release notes for version
No Type Description --- ----- ---------------------------------- 1 CODE Repo.exe - Added vOmitSaveProject variable to prevent plugins from corrupting project files. 2 CHECK CustListPolicies.pfp - fixed project saving issue. 3 CHECK DashReport.pfp - fixed project saving issue. 4 CHECK DashPolicyCount.pfp - fixed project saving issue. 5 CODE PFCLScan - Removed requirement to close projects when refreshing the dashboard. 6 CODE PFCLScan - Added functionality to target policies in a custom report. 7 CHECK CustGenerateReportTemplate.pfp - updated to pass in policy list for use with report templates. 8 CODE single_db_cust.tem - added the policy filter. 9 CODE multiple_db_cust.tem - added the policy filter. 10 CODE Repo - added "VARP" variable. 11 CODE Repo - added "ASSIGNC" variable. 12 CODE Repo - added "FILENAME" variable. 13 CODE Repo - added "FILENAMENP" variable. 14 CODE Repo - added "STATUSNAME" variable. 15 CODE Repo - added "STATUSNAMENP" variable. 16 INSTALL plugins\templates directory - added to the installer. 17 CHECK Ticket #178928 - PLSQLCodeLevelDetails.pfp - fixed for null values. 18 CHECK Ticket #178928 - PLSQLSummary.pfp - fixed for null values. 19 CODE ConfigPlugin.exe added to process .pfcl.tem files into plugin projects. 20 INSTALL ConfigPlugin.exe - added to the installer. 21 CODE PFCLScan - new project wizard browse now scrolls to initial directory. 22 CODE PFCLScan - removed obsolete buttons from the plugins tab in options dialog. 23 CODE PFCLScan - implemented "New Plugin" button in the plugins tab in options dialog. 24 CODE PFCLScan - added "Create Plugin" dialog. 25 CODE PFCLScan - added a plugin for creating plugins from project files. 26 INSTALL PlugCreate.plg - added to the installer. 27 INSTALL PlugCreate.pfcl.tem - added to the installer. 28 INSTALL PlugCreate.tem - added to the installer. 29 INSTALL PlugCreateListPolicyFiles.tem - added to the installer. 30 INSTALL PlugCreateOutputTemplate.tem - added to the installer. 31 INSTALL PlugCreatePfcltem.tem - added to the installer. 32 INSTALL PlugCreatePlg.tem - added to the installer. 33 INSTALL PlugCreateCopyPolicies.pfp - added to the installer. 34 INSTALL PlugCreateCopyPolicies.pfs - added to the installer. 35 INSTALL PlugCreateInit.pfp - added to the installer. 36 INSTALL PlugCreateInit.pfs - added to the installer. 37 INSTALL PlugCreateListPolicyFiles.pfp - added to the installer. 38 INSTALL PlugCreateListPolicyFiles.pfs - added to the installer. 39 INSTALL PlugCreatePlg.pfp - added to the installer. 40 INSTALL PlugCreatePlg.pfs - added to the installer. 41 INSTALL PlugCreateRunConfig.pfp - added to the installer. 42 INSTALL PlugCreateRunConfig.pfs - added to the installer. 43 CODE PFCLScan - added delete plugin button. 44 CODE PFCLScan - added find plugin button. 45 CODE PFCLScan - added button to add plugin to hook. 46 CODE PFCLScan - added button to remove plugin from hook. 47 CODE zip.exe created to allow compression and decompression of plugins. 48 INSTALL zip.exe - added to the installer. 49 CODE Ticket #590560 - fixed project list arrow navigation. 50 INSTALL plugins\packaged directory - added to the installer. 51 INSTALL plugins\packaged\workspace directory - added to the installer. 52 CODE plugins.plug - added new hook (CPLUG). 53 CODE plugins.plug - added new hook (EPLUG). 54 CODE Ticket #738852 - DataAnalysis.tem - fixed missing bracket. 55 CODE Fixed text clipping in dump instructions. 56 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:mode 57 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:projectname 58 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:projectdesc 59 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:pl-filenamenp 60 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:pl-statusnamenp 61 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:pl-status 62 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:pl-name 63 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:pl-guid 64 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:pl-filename 65 CODE Repo.exe - variable added - proj:pl-statusname 66 CODE PFCLScan - added "Export Plugin" dialog. 67 CODE PFCLScan - added plugin to export plugins into a zip file. 68 INSTALL PlugExport.plg - added to the installer. 69 INSTALL PlugExport.pfcl.tem - added to the installer. 70 INSTALL PlugExport.tem - added to the installer. 71 INSTALL PlugExportListPolicyFiles.tem - added to the installer. 72 INSTALL PlugExportPfcltem.tem - added to the installer. 73 INSTALL PlugExportCollect.pfp - added to the installer. 74 INSTALL PlugExportCollect.pfs - added to the installer. 75 INSTALL PlugExportCopyPolicies.pfp - added to the installer. 76 INSTALL PlugExportCopyPolicies.pfs - added to the installer. 77 INSTALL PlugExportInit.pfp - added to the installer. 78 INSTALL PlugExportInit.pfs - added to the installer. 79 INSTALL PlugExportListPolicies.pfp - added to the installer. 80 INSTALL PlugExportListPolicies.pfs - added to the installer. 81 INSTALL PlugExportPackageFiles.pfp - added to the installer. 82 INSTALL PlugExportPackageFiles.pfs - added to the installer. 83 CODE PFCLScan - added "Import Plugin" dialog. 84 CODE PFCLScan - added plugin to import plugins from a zip file. 85 INSTALL PlugImport.plg - added to the installer. 86 INSTALL PlugImport.pfcl.tem - added to the installer. 87 INSTALL PlugImport.tem - added to the installer. 88 INSTALL PlugImportListPolicyFiles.tem - added to the installer. 89 INSTALL PlugImportCopy1.pfp - added to the installer. 90 INSTALL PlugImportCopy1.pfs - added to the installer. 91 INSTALL PlugImportCopy2.pfp - added to the installer. 92 INSTALL PlugImportCopy2.pfs - added to the installer. 93 INSTALL PlugImportInit.pfp - added to the installer. 94 INSTALL PlugImportInit.pfs - added to the installer. 95 DOC Dashboard - topic added. 96 DOC Using the Plugin Options Screen - topic updated to account for new functionality. 97 DOC Example Plugin - topic added. 98 DOC List of Hook Points - topic updated. 99 INSTALL solutiontemplates/Oracle Solutions - directory added to the installer. 100 INSTALL OracleProject.slt.tem - added to the installer. 101 CODE Added file menu options for solutions.