Release notes for version
No Type Description --- ----- ---------------------------------- 1 CODE ScanCompareRunComparison.pfp - updated column names. 2 CODE PFCLScan - modified PFCLScanWordProcessor to load .op files. 3 CODE Ticket #199032 - PFCLScan - added tooltip to show how to use compare functionality. 4 CODE Ticket #199032 - PFCLScan - hidden progress bar from browser when loading is complete. 5 CODE PFCLScan - hidden the test launcher button. 6 CODE plugins.plug - added SCMPD hook. 7 CODE plugins.plug - added ScanCompareDetailed plugin. 8 CODE PFCLScan - trace off call moved to the end of the PFCLScan load. 9 CODE PFCLScan - changed Project Manager to Project Workspace menu option under application windows. 10 CODE PFCLScan - hidden the Project Workflow menu option under application windows. 11 CODE PFCLScan - scan results window title changed. 12 CODE PFCLScan - ScanCompare plugin added. 13 CODE install.conf - updated for ScanCompareDetailed plugin. 14 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailed.tem - added to the installer. 15 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedCheckSummary.tem - added to the installer. 16 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedPolicyCount.tem - added to the installer. 17 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailed.plg - added to the installer. 18 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailed.pfcl.tem - added to the installer. 19 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedCleanUp.pfp - added to the installer. 20 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedCleanUp.pfs - added to the installer. 21 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedGenerateReports.pfp - added to the installer. 22 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedGenerateReports.pfs - added to the installer. 23 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedReadInput.pfp - added to the installer. 24 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedReadInput.pfs - added to the installer. 25 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedRunComparison.pfp - added to the installer. 26 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedRunComparison.pfs - added to the installer. 27 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedTestType.pfp - added to the installer. 28 INSTALL ScanCompareDetailedTestType.pfs - added to the installer. 29 CODE PFCLScan - ScanCompare plugin edited to show less detail. 30 CODE PFCLScan - coloured columns in comparison report to improve readability. 31 CODE Repo - added "COLF" variable. 32 CODE PFCLScan - comparison reports now saved in timestamped files. 33 CODE Ticket #228867 - PFCLCode - fixed refresh plugin for the 1406 error, wrapped files are no longer downloaded. 34 CODE Ticket #428472 - PFCLScan - fixed code analysis project for the 1406 error, wrapped files are no longer downloaded. 35 CODE PLSQLDump.pfp - excluding wrapped files from the process. 36 CODE PLSQLCodeList.pfp - excluding wrapped files from the process. 37 CODE PLSQLErrorCount.pfp - dropped missing files error message. 38 INSTALL plsql.tem removed from the installer. 39 INSTALL Code Analysis directory removed from the installer. 40 CODE PFCLCode - CodeReportOverview plugin added. 41 CODE install.conf - updated for CoreReportOverview plugin. 42 INSTALL CodeReportOverview.tem - added to the installer. 43 INSTALL CodeReportOverview.pfcl.tem - added to the installer. 44 INSTALL CodeReportOverviewInput.pfp - added to the installer. 45 INSTALL CodeReportOverviewInput.pfs - added to the installer. 46 INSTALL CodeReportOverviewRefresh.pfp - added to the installer. 47 INSTALL CodeReportOverviewRefresh.pfs - added to the installer. 48 CODE plugins.plug - added CTROV hook. 49 CODE PFCLCode - CodeReportInDepth plugin added. 50 CODE install.conf - updated for CodeReportInDepth plugin. 51 INSTALL CodeReportInDepth.tem - added to the installer. 52 INSTALL CodeReportInDepth.pfcl.tem - added to the installer. 53 INSTALL CodeReportInDepthInput.pfp - added to the installer. 54 INSTALL CodeReportInDepthInput.pfs - added to the installer. 55 INSTALL CodeReportInDepthRefresh.pfp - added to the installer. 56 INSTALL CodeReportInDepthRefresh.pfs - added to the installer. 57 CODE plugins.plug - added CTRID hook. 58 CODE Repo - extended "LINESUBPUT" variable functionality. 59 CODE PFCLCode - added loading notice for the refresh process. 60 CODE PFCLCode - initial main grid column sizing takes all cells into account. 61 CODE ct.exe - Lua scripting added to ct.exe 62 CODE ct.exe - Lua internal functions added to ct.exe to be used from Lua 63 CODE ct.exe - Lua type added to rules file 64 CODE ct.exe - Processing of Lua field in rules added 65 CODE ct.exe - Status added to the rules file 66 CODE ct.exe - Rules processing updated to include status 67 CODE ct.exe - updated rules processing to deal with keyword checks 68 CODE template.lua - added for template to write lua based checks added 69 CODE ct.lua - added core lua file to be run from all lua based check files 70 CODE sqlinject.lua - lua based check added to check for SQL Injection 71 CODE ct.exe - modified to add AST debugging parameters 72 CODE ct.exe - modified to add AST debugging code 73 CODE ct.conf - changed keyword.txt to ctkey.txt 74 CODE ct.conf - added ast debugging parameter to the config 75 CODE ct.exe - current line number also cached in the lexer 76 CODE ct.exe - token words added for debug in parser 77 CODE ct.exe - whitspace skip rewritten 78 CODE ct.exe - padding and stack (push/pop) added to parser utilities 79 CODE ct.exe - procedure header and function header parser no longer dump symbols 80 CODE ct.exe - node types designed and added as enumerations 81 CODE ct.exe - attribute types designed and added as enumerations 82 CODE ct.exe - symbol table redesigned 83 CODE ct.exe - AST designed to formalise the struture of node attributes 84 CODE ct.exe - Added processing to config for AST debug 85 CODE ct.exe - AST debugging added to the debug of the parameters 86 CODE ct.exe - parser modified to add debugging for the nodes and attributes 87 CODE ct.exe - parser rewritten to process the new symbol table, nodes and attributes 88 CODE ct.exe - modified to intialise the AST debug 89 CODE ct.exe - next node now stored to process in list of lists 90 CODE ct.exe - AST debugging open/close/write/parse added 91 CODE ct.exe - rule types added for lua type checks 92 CODE ct.exe - capture current line in lexer 93 CODE ct.exe - added ctdbg to try and remove iastty error in lex 94 CODE ct.exe - new parser processing added to main engine 95 CODE ct.exe - buffer to read and process rules extended 96 INSTALL ctkey.txt - added to installer 97 INSTALL cttemplate.lua - added to installer 98 INSTALL ct.lua - added to installer 99 INSTALL sqlinject.lua - added to installer 100 INSTALL naming.txt - added to installer 101 CODE naming.txt - created to store naming conventions for source code 102 CODE PFCLAppSettings.xml.tem - added parser options. 103 CODE PFCLCode - added parser options tab. 104 CODE PFCLCode - added maximum lines option. 105 CODE PFCLCode - added maximum line length option. 106 CODE PFCLCode - added minimum comments option. 107 CODE PFCLCode - added new variables to CTREF hook input. 108 CODE PFCLCode - added colouring lines with errors to the overview grid. 109 CODE Ticket #537227 - PFCLCode - fixed inability to select issue row when it is a current one. 110 CODE PLSQLInput.pfp - changed to use lua to fix trailing newlines. 111 CODE Ticket #408399 - PFCLCode - fixed arrow keys behaviour in the options screen. 112 CODE PFCLCode - added an options tab to allow editing analyser rules. 113 CODE PFCLAppSettings.xml.tem - added rules file location. 114 CODE PFCLCode - focus restore to test connection button after testing connection in options screen. 115 CODE PFCLCode - added a dedicated icon. 116 CODE PFCLCode - new file option enabled regardless if editor is active. 117 CODE PFCLCode - new file option now updates the window information. 118 CODE PFCLCode - open file option enabled regardless if editor is active. 119 CODE PFCLCode - open file option now updates the window information. 120 CODE PFCLCode - save file option now updates the window information. 121 CODE PFCLCode - save as option now updates the window information. 122 CODE PFCLCode - overview grid default sorting changed to reflect file list order. 123 INSTALL PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - added to the installer. 124 INSTALL PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfs - added to the installer. 125 INSTALL PLSQLCodeLevelSecurityIssues.pfp - added to the installer. 126 INSTALL PLSQLCodeLevelSecurityIssues.pfs - added to the installer. 127 INSTALL PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - added to the installer. 128 INSTALL PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfs - added to the installer. 129 INSTALL PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - added to the installer. 130 INSTALL PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfs - added to the installer. 131 CODE PLSQLDependencies.pfp - updated the referenced policy offset. 132 CODE PLSQLSecurity.pfp - updated the referenced policy offset. 133 CODE PLSQLErrorCount.pfp - updated the referenced policy offset. 134 CODE CodeRefresh.tem - updated the referenced policy offset. 135 CODE PLSQLInit.pfp - added a check to print the rules file. 136 CODE PLSQLInit.pfs - updated to match the policy. 137 CODE PFCLCode - added rules file as CTREF input parameter. 138 CODE PFCLCode - added maximum PL/SQL pieces option. 139 CODE ct.lua - fixed to not access obs global 140 CODE ct.lua - removed result from the core pfcl table 141 CODE ct.lua - all header and footer code removed 142 CODE sqlinject.lua - added call to initialise ct.lua and remove header and footer 143 CODE cttemplate.lua - modified to not call header and footer and to initialise ct.lua 144 CODE ct.exe - Lua output corrected to use same stream as the issues output 145 CODE ct.lua - modified the debug to use newline print 146 CODE exception.lua - added to look for issues in exception blocks 147 INSTALL exception.lua - added to installer 148 CODE naming.lua - added to check for naming checks on variables 149 INSTALL naming.lua - added to installer 150 CODE ct.exe - fixed rules processing to recognise LUA type 151 CODE rules.txt - added a rule for exception checks 152 CODE rules.txt - added a rule for the naming checks 153 CODE ct.exe - modified to not process LUA rules when the rule is turned off 154 CODE ct.exe - old design process procedure and function removed. 155 CODE ct.exe - utility to streamline padding and white skip added 156 CODE ct.exe - utility to streamline upper casing tokens added 157 CODE ct.exe - new nodes added for variable name and type, authid and pragma 158 CODE ct.exe - attribute nodes changed to pointers to child nodes not node types 159 CODE ct.exe - utility added to add symbol nodes 160 CODE ct.exe - procedure header parser created 161 CODE ct.exe - last node saved to build AST 162 CODE ct.exe - all node types added for code body 163 CODE ct.exe - new types added for general SQL, PL/SQL targeted SQL and Lua internal 164 CODE ct.exe - new rule type added, PLUGIN 165 CODE rules.txt - Lua rules disabled until complete 166 CODE rules.txt - check added to test if the schema has tables 167 CODE rules.txt - check added to count number of PL/SQL code in the schema 168 CODE rules.txt - Check added to test if the schema has the DBA role 169 CODE rules.txt - check added to test if the schema has the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role 170 CODE rules.txt - check added to test if the schema has the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role 171 CODE rules.txt - Check added to test if the schema has the ALTER USER system privilege 172 CODE rules.txt - Check added to test if the schema has the GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE system privilege 173 CODE rules.txt - Check added to test if the schema has the GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE system privilege 174 CODE rules.txt - Check added to test if the schema has the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege 175 CODE rules.txt - check added to test if the schema is open 176 CODE rules.txt - check added to test if the schema is a schema only account or has an impossible password 177 CODE rules.txt - check added to check if the schema can be added via proxy 178 CODE rules.txt - check to see if the schema has CREATE SESSION 179 CODE rules.txt - check added to ensure no excessivly long lines of code exists 180 CODE rules.txt - check added to ensure no single piece of code is too big 181 CODE rules.txt - added check to test for a percentage of comments 182 CODE rules.txt - added check to test if dangerous code is in a seperate schema 183 CODE rules.txt - added check to see if code is definer rights or not 184 CODE rules.txt - added check to see if code is native compiled or not 185 CODE rules.txt - added check to look for PUBLIC grants 186 CODE rules.txt - check added to see if DEBUG is enabled on a piece of PL/SQL 187 CODE rules.txt - Check added to test of warnings are enabled on a piece of PL/SQL 188 CODE rules.txt - check added to see if PL-Scope identifiers are enabled 189 CODE rules.txt - Added a check to test if the PL/SQL is valid 190 CODE rules.txt - Added a check to see if a piece of PL/SQL is wrapped 191 CODE rules.txt - Added check to see if any user has been granted debug rights 192 CODE rules.txt - Added a check to see if any grants are made to Oracle default users 193 CODE rules.txt - Added a check to see if any grants are made to Oracle default roles 194 CODE rules.txt - Added check to test if the schema has grants to his own code 195 CODE rules.txt - check added to look for duplicate grants 196 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - added check to create error files. 197 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - added check for DEFINER rights. 198 CHECK PLSQLCleanUpFiles.pfp - added check to clean up error files. 199 INSTALL PLSQLCleanUpFiles.pfp - added to the installer. 200 INSTALL PFCLCode.lua - added to the installer. 201 CODE PLSQLErrorCount.pfp - updated to use PFCLCode.lua 202 CODE PFCLCode - do not display lua plugin issues. 203 CODE PFCLCode - updated description edit validation message. 204 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - added check for schema tables. 205 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - added check for schema tables. 206 CODE PFCLCode - general.issues file gets created on code refresh. 207 CODE PFCLCode - error_count.general.issues file added to code refresh workflow. 208 CHECK PLSQLCleanUpFiles.pfp - added check to delete error_count.general.issues file. 209 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - added check to remove PL/SQL issues files. 210 CODE PLSQLDump.pfs - edited to include new checks. 211 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - added check to remove schema issues file. 212 CHECK PLSQLCodeLevelSecurityIssues.pfp - added check for the max line length. 213 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - added check for the max line length. 214 CODE PFCLCode.lua - added new line to error entries. 215 CODE PFCLCode.lua - added a function to parse issue files. 216 CODE PFCLCode - fixed incorrect overview grid formatting on form load. 217 CODE PFCLCode - added a grid to view schema level issues. 218 CODE PFCLCode - added schema level issues to in-depth report. 219 CODE PFCLCode - focus doesn't jump to save button when testing connection in options. 220 CODE PFCLCode - focus doesn't jump to save button when refreshing schema list in options. 221 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for the NATIVE compiled code. 222 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for debugging enabled. 223 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - cehck for warnings enabled. 224 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for identifiers. 225 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for invalid status. 226 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for not wrapped. 227 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check line count. 228 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for DEBUG grants. 229 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for grants to PUBLIC. 230 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for grants to owner. 231 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for duplicate grants. 232 CODE CodeRefresh plugin - rearranged the policies and changed offsets. 233 CODE CodeRefresh.pfcl.tem - rearranged the policies. 234 CODE CodeRefresh.tem - template changed for the new offset. 235 CHECK PLSQLSecurity.pfp - modified to correctly show the duplication for debug and execute privileges. 236 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for default users. 237 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - check for default roles. 238 CODE PFCLCode - fixed for duplicate debug / execute privileges. 239 CODE Ticket #244940 - PFCLCode - fixed error pn closing permissions tree. 240 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has DBA. 241 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has IMP_FULL_DATABASE. 242 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE. 243 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has ALTER USER. 244 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE. 245 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE. 246 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has GRANT ANY ROLE. 247 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema has CREATE SESSION. 248 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - check if schema is OPEN. 249 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has DBA. 250 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has IMP_FULL_DATABASE. 251 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE. 252 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has ALTER USER. 253 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE. 254 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE. 255 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has GRANT ANY ROLE. 256 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema has CREATE SESSION. 257 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - check if schema is OPEN. 258 INSTALL PLSQLComputeStats.pfp - added to the installer. 259 INSTALL PLSQLComputeStats.pfs - added to the installer. 260 CHECK PLSQLComputeStats.pfp - added check to compute code statistics. 261 CODE CodeRefresh.pfcl.tem - modified to include new policy. 262 CODE Repo - added CHECK:TOTCHECKS to output number of checks in the policy. 263 CODE Repo - added REPO:DATE:T for the new current date format. 264 INSTALL plugin.pfp - added to the installer. 265 INSTALL plugin_timing.tem - added to the installer. 266 CHECK plugin.pfp - library policy added. 267 CHECK plugin.pfp - check to create timing report. 268 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - converted init check to timing check. 269 CHECK PLSQLCleanUpFiles.pfp - timing check. 270 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - timing check. 271 CHECK PLSQLCodeLevelDetails.pfp - timing check. 272 CHECK PLSQLCodeLevelSecurityIssues.pfp - timing check. 273 CHECK PLSQLCodeList.pfp - timing check. 274 CHECK PLSQLComputeStats.pfp - timing check. 275 CHECK PLSQLDependencies.pfp - timing check. 276 CHECK PLSQLDump.pfp - timing check. 277 CHECK PLSQLErrorCount.pfp - timing check. 278 CHECK PLSQLInit.pfp - timing check. 279 CHECK PLSQLInput.pfp - timing check. 280 CHECK PLSQLRunCodeAnalyser.pfp - timing check. 281 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - timing check. 282 CHECK PLSQLSchemaLevelCodeIssues.pfp - timing check. 283 CHECK PLSQLSecurity.pfp - timing check. 284 CHECK PLSQLCleanUpFiles.pfs - timing check. 285 CHECK PLSQLCodeList.pfs - timing check. 286 CHECK PLSQLDependencies.pfs - timing check. 287 CHECK PLSQLErrorCount.pfs - timing check. 288 CHECK PLSQLInput.pfs - timing check. 289 CHECK PLSQLRunCodeAnalyser.pfs - timing check. 290 CHECK PLSQLSecurity.pfs - timing check. 291 CODE PFCLCode - added progress bar to the code refresh popup. 292 CODE Added file watcher class to enable plugin progress updates. 293 CODE ct.exe - AST dumper added as a tree walker 294 CODE ct.exe - root node changed to 1 from 0 to avoid A_NILL clash 295 CODE ct.exe - process procedure created to completely parse a procedure 296 CODE ct.exe - analyser code re-factored and rationalised in token read 297 CODE ct.exe - process_parameter added to parse parameter lists 298 CODE ct.exe - parse headers and parameters 299 CODE ct.exe - process the naming.txt file native in the C 300 CODE ct.conf - naming.txt added to the config file 301 CODE ct.exe - pass the number of naming elements to Lua as a global 302 CODE ct.lua - modified to debug out the number of naming elements in lua 303 CODE crt.exe - pass the number of rules violated to Lua to use for new issues 304 CODE ct.lua - modified to debug out the number of rules violated so far 305 CODE ct.exe - modified to pass naming to the Lua 306 CODE ct.lua - add code to load the naming table and debug its values 307 CODE ct.lua - added code to debug the naming table if available 308 CODE ct.lua - added passing of the AST to the lua engine 309 CODE ct.lua - debug of naming changed to table 310 CODE ct.lua - load the ast table 311 CODE ct.lua - debug out the AST table 312 CODE ct.exe - lua rule passed to the lua engine run time to ensure we pass just one rule to Lua 313 CODE ct.exe - rules processing added create the lua table for the rule 314 CODE ct.lua - processing added to initialise the rule table 315 CODE ct.lua - processing added to debug the rule details 316 CODE ct.lua - rules processing removed (replaced by call to error in C) 317 CODE ct.exe - removed rules processing to pass to the Lua (replaced by call to error in C) 318 CODE ct.lua - removed the number of violations and its processing 319 CODE ct.exe - removed passing of number of violations to Lua from C 320 CODE ct.exe - pass the rule id to Lua from C 321 CODE ct.lua - initialise the rule id 322 CODE ct.lua - debug the rule id 323 CODE ct.exe - PFCLError added to allow Lua scripts to output issues in the same format as the c code 324 CODE ct.exe - added new findrule function to return a rule pointer based on ID for use in PFCLError to locate the rule to print out 325 CHECK naming.lua - added PFCLError() call 326 CHECK exception.lua - added PFCLError() call 327 CHECK naming.lua and exception.lua - test PFCLError() removed 328 CHECK naming.lua - check added to test naming of procedure for prefix and postfix 329 CODE naming.txt - prefix and postfix changed to specify only in upper case 330 CODE naming.lua - procedure naming re-written to allow multiple procedure names in one PL/SQL source file to be checked 331 CHECK rules.txt - check 203 corrected to GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE 332 CHECK rules.txt - checks 197 to 226 titles added 333 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_FILE as a dangerous package 334 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_FILE for use in a string 335 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_HTTP as a dangerous package 336 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_HTTP for use in a string 337 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_SMTP as a dangerous package 338 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_SMTP for use in a string 339 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_MAIL as a dangerous package 340 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_MAIL for use in a string 341 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_TCP as a dangerous package 342 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_TCP for use in a string 343 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_INADDR as a dangerous package 344 CHECK rules.txt - check added for UTL_INADDR for use in a string 345 CODE ct.exe - added ability to process the lexer into a list 346 CODE ct.exe - save the lexer output to the list in the engine 347 CODE ct.exe - pass the lexer table to lua 348 CODE ct.lua - modified to initialise the lexer data passed to it 349 CODE ct.lua - modified to debug out the lexer table 350 CODE naming.lua - rationalised the script to be much shorter 351 CHECK rules.txt - check 212 modified from LUAPLUGIN to LUA to get percentage of comments 352 CHECK ct.exe - new parameter added to pass in settings from the GUI 353 CODE ct.exe - pass the flags parameter to Lua 354 CODE ct.lua - modified to initialise the flags parameter 355 CODE ct.lua - modified to debug out the flags on start up 356 CODE comment.lua added to count comments per code percentage 357 CODE naming.lua - fixed to remove duplicate token 358 CODE comments.lua - fixed to remove dupicate token 359 CODE comments.lua - rationalised the code to simplify 360 CHECK rules.txt - new rule added to check if DBMS_ASSERT is used or not 361 CODE assert.lua - added to parse for use of DBMS_ASSERT and report if it is not used 362 CHECK rules.txt - rule 195 updated to be only for missing exception handler 363 CHECK rules.txt - added new rule to check for FCLOSE() or FCLOSE_ALL() if UTL_FILE is used at all 364 CODE assert.lua - refactored to simplify the code 365 CODE exception.lua - first version of checking for an exception handler 366 CODE fclose.lua - added to process the rule to check for lack of fclose() or fclose_all() for use of utl_file 367 CODE ct.exe - header parser; insert of OUT condition missing 368 CODE comments.lua - seperator changed to use "|" not ":" 369 CODE comments.lua - fixed call to PFCLError() to use "(" brackets and not "[" brackets 370 CODE naming.lua - fixed call to PFCLError() to use "(" brackets and not "[" brackets 371 CODE naming.lua - changed the error output to not include ')' after the actual token value 372 CODE comments.lua - changed the error output to not include ')' after the actual token value 373 CODE comments.lua - changed the percentage value to be more clear 374 CODE naming.lua - changed the procedure value to be more clear 375 CODE rules.txt - sqlinject rule enabled 376 CODE fclose.lua - utl_file check fixed to also test that utl_file is used before output the error 377 CODE sqlinject.lua - written lexer version of this check to find open interface 378 CHECK PLSQLRunCodeAnalyser.pfp - check changed to add -f 379 CODE PFCLCode - excluded LUA category from highlighting code lines 380 CODE PFCLCode - changed gridview to listview in the variable naming options tab 381 CODE PFCLCode - fixed max plsql pieces option to save properly 382 CODE PFCLCode - fixed toggle button exception when no listview item is selected 383 CODE PFCLCode - enabled autosize on rules listview 384 CODE PFCLCode - file tree uses PFCLCode icon now 385 CODE PFCLCode - added dashboard window 386 CODE PFCLCode - added pie chart to the dashboard window 387 CODE PFCLCode - scan results saved into history folder 388 INSTALL PFCLCode folder added to the installer 389 INSTALL history folder added to the installer 390 CODE CodeRefresh.tem - template edited to add statistics section 391 CODE PFCLCode.lua - now imports PFCLFile 392 CODE PFCLCode.lua - added function to read code refresh output without the dashboard section 393 CHECK CodeReportOverviewRefresh.pfp - code refresh output loading without the dashboard data 394 CHECK CodeReportInDepthRefresh.pfp - code refresh output loading without the dashboard data