Release notes for version
No Type Description --- ----- ---------------------------------- 1 CODE PFCLCode.lua - changed issue parse functions to omit the ending bracket. 2 CHECK CodeReportInDepthErrorData.pfp - changed issue parse to omit the ending bracket. 3 CODE pfclscan_repo.css - added selectors to make fonts in pfclcode reports larger. 4 CODE CodeReportInDepth.tem - changed font size of data tables. 5 CODE CodeReportOverview.tem - changed font size of data tables. 6 CODE PFCLCode - dashboard dock window gains focus on load and refresh. 7 CODE PFCLCode - dashboard chart colour palette changed. 8 CODE PFCLCode - dashboard chart includes files without issues. 9 CODE PFCLCode - dashboard chart size increased. 10 CODE PFCLCode - dashboard chart data point offset depends on fraction of error free pieces. 11 CODE PFCLCode - added dashboard percentages edge case handling. 12 CODE PFCLCode - score colour adjusted based on value. 13 CODE PFCLCode - overview report menu option disabled when running in depth report. 14 CODE PFCLCode - in depth report menu option disabled when running overview report. 15 CODE PFCLCode - rules tab in options - fixed collapsed headers. 16 CODE PFCLCode - fixed arrow navigation interrupting the use of controls in the options form. 17 CODE Launcher - added exit button to the launcher. 18 CODE Launcher - made launcher background colour darker. 19 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - changed error tokens to more descriptive. 20 CHECK PLSQLCodeDumpSecurityIssues.pfp - changed error tokens to more descriptive. 21 CODE PFCLCode - added max schema tables to options. 22 CODE PFCLAppSettings.xml.tem - added entry for max schema tables. 23 CHECK PLSQLSchemaAndCodeLevelOutput.pfp - edited to use max schema tables parameter. 24 CODE PFCLCode - added options tab to set dashboard comparison files per schema. 25 CODE PFCLCode - added import and export of rules files. 26 DOC Expanded PFCLCode documentation.