Call: +44 (0)7759 277220 Call
version 3.9.868.1111

Release notes for version 3.9.868.1111

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	PFCLForensics - improved connection database name validation.
2	CODE	PFCLCode - prevented rule edit dialog from resizing.
3	CHECK	Ticket #692864 - AudUserPrivilege.pfp - USP00002 - query tuned.
4	CHECK	Ticket #692864 - AudUserPrivilege.pfp - USP00003 - query tuned.
5	INSTALL	Changed folder name from pfcluserrights to PFCLUserRights.
6	CODE	PFCLUserRights - UtkRefresh plugin added.
7	CODE	plugins.plug - updated for the UtkRefresh plugin.
8	CODE	install.conf - updated for the UtkRefresh plugin.
9	CODE	application.tem - updated plugin id.
10	CODE	app.tem - updated plugin id.
11	INSTALL	UtkRefresh.plg - added to the installation.
12	INSTALL UtkRefresh.tem - added to the installation.
13	INSTALL UtkRefresh.pfcl.tem - added to the installation.
14	INSTALL UtkRefreshInput.pfp - added to the installation.
15	INSTALL UtkRefreshInput.pfs - added to the installation.
16	INSTALL UtkRefreshInitialisation.pfp - added to the installation.
17	INSTALL UtkRefreshInitialisation.pfs - added to the installation.
18	INSTALL UtkRefreshGatherData.pfp - added to the installation.
19	INSTALL UtkRefreshGatherData.pfs - added to the installation.
20	INSTALL UtkRefreshCombine.pfp - added to the installation.
21	INSTALL UtkRefreshCombine.pfs - added to the installation.
22	CODE	PFCLCode - fixed file tree left click crash.
23	CODE	PFCLCode - code editor line highlighting based on the line number instead of rule type.
24	CODE	PFCLCode - sqlinject.lua substantially rewritten to catch more types of injection
25	CODE	PFCLCode - exception.lua substantially modified to find if an exception is used or
		not in a package, procedure or function
26	CODE	PFCLCode - naming.txt - removed entries except procedure and function
27	CODE	PFCLCode - naming.lua substantially modified to process function and procedure,
		type and package names to test prefix and posrtfix names