How to grant all privileges in Oracle
This is a short paper showing how to grant "all privileges" to a user in Oracle and more importantly what privileges are needed to do this. This was a posting I made to one of the newsgroups/mailing lists recently. This is for information only as it is useful to know BUT one important fact that should be highlighted here is that i cannot think of any circumstances or when ALL PRIVILEGES should be granted to anyone. It is simply unnecessary. Do the job correctly and find out the exact privileges needed for the job in hand and grant those. Granting all privileges is a security risk as it means the user having those privileges can do just about anything in your database.
Remember use least privilege principle at all times and grant what is needed. Do not grant everything just to get the job done quickly. Here is the example code!
Connected to: Personal Oracle9i Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production SQL> SQL> sho user USER is "SYSTEM" SQL> select * from system_privilege_map 2 where name like '%PRIV%'; PRIVILEGE NAME PROPERTY ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- -167 GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE 0 -244 GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE 0 SQL> SQL> -- Create a new user with just create session (to log on) and grant SQL> -- any privilege to, well grant all privileges. SQL> create user emil identified by emil; User created. SQL> grant create session, grant any privilege to emil; Grant succeeded. SQL> -- because we want to test this privilege create a second user to SQL> -- test it with SQL> create user JULIA identified by JULIA; User created. SQL> -- connect as emil and grant all privileges to JULIA SQL> connect emil/emil@sans Connected. SQL> grant all privileges to JULIA; Grant succeeded. SQL> -- connect as system and find out if it worked. SQL> connect system/manager@sans Connected. SQL> select count(*),grantee 2 from dba_sys_privs 3 where grantee in ('MDSYS','EMIL','JULIA') 4* group by grantee SQL> / COUNT(*) GRANTEE ---------- ------------------------------ 2 EMIL 139 MDSYS 139 JULIA SQL>
We used MDSYS as a checkpoint as MDSYS has all privileges granted to it by default in a default installation of Oracle. The privilege you need therefore is GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE.