-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script Name : sf_vio.sql -- Author : Pete Finnigan -- Date : November 2023 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description : SQL Firewall -- Read the violations -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maintainer : Pete Finnigan (http://www.petefinnigan.com) -- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2003 - 2023 PeteFinnigan.com Limited. All rights -- reserved. All registered trademarks are the property of their -- respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- License : This software is licensed to you by PeteFinnigan.com Limited. All -- rights and ownership and copyright in the software are retained by -- PeteFinnigan.com Limited in all possible cases. Posession of this -- software does not infer any additonal rights. If you receive this -- software without these copyright notices and license text, this text, -- license and copyright still applies. This text, copyright and license -- must not be removed under any circumstances. This applies to all -- text displayed as comments up until and including the version history, -- This text also applies to any copyright, banner or other text -- refering to PeteFinnigan.com Limited ownership that is output by -- the program. -- -- This software is free to use BUT it is NOT open source and NOT GPL -- or any similar license and it is NOT in the public domain. -- -- You are permitted to use this software commercially or privately -- provided these notices or banners as described are not removed. You -- may modify the software and use it internally but this does not -- infer any additonal rights in the software. i.e. if you delete -- some of our code or change variable names or add features that does -- not make it your code and does not give you the right to remove -- our ownership in this software shown in these notices. This software must -- not be made available or published in anyway, any language, any -- modified form or original form except by PeteFinnigan.com Limited. -- You must not incorporate this software into any free or commercial -- product or software and you must not sell or give away any software that -- includes this sofware. -- -- -- In short this text is not written by a lawyer so please respect the -- intent that you can use or modify it freely but not give it away -- yourself or take away our right to attribution. -- If someone else needs a copy please ask them to come to PeteFinnigan.com -- Limited and we will happily let them also have a free copy. Also -- as you may expect freely use does not include adding this software to -- a commercial or free product (without our permission) but you -- can use it internally in projects. We put our time into the free scripts -- on our website or training courses and give these tools away for free and -- in return we expect our copyright and ownership to always remain. -- We like to help people but we also want to benefit from the fact -- our name becomes known through these scripts and tools and software -- that we make. We hope this makes sense. -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO -- -- Version History -- ================== -- -- version who desc -- ======= === ========================= -- 0.1.1 pxf first issue -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spoof.sql spool sf_vio.lis set echo off prompt - connect to the SQL Firewall admin and read any SQL Firewall vioalations... prompt press any key to continue.... pause -- connect as vm set echo off define username = 'sql_f' define password = 'sql_f' @@c.sql set echo on set serveroutput on --exec dbms_sql_firewall.flush_logs; col sql_text for a90 col accessed_objects for a30 col current_user for a10 col top_level for a3 col username for a10 col client_program for a12 col os_user for a8 col ip_address for a12 col command_type for a8 col firewall_action for a10 col cause for a20 col occurred_at for a20 set lines 220 select username, command_type, sql_text, accessed_objects, current_user, top_level, ip_address, client_program, os_user, cause, firewall_action, to_char(occurred_at,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') occurred_at from dba_sql_firewall_violations / spool off
Simply connect PFCLScan to your Oracle database and it will automatically discover the security issues that could make your Oracle database vulnerable to attack and to the potential loss of your data.
PFCLObfuscate is the only tool available that can automatically add license controls to your PL/SQL code. PFCLObfuscate protects your Intellectual Property invested in your PL/SQL database code.
PFCLCode is a tool to allow you to analyse your PL/SQL code for many different types of security issues. PFCLCode gives you a detailed review and reports and includes a powerful colour syntax highlighting code editor
PFCLForensics is the only tool available to allow you to do a detailed live response of a breached Oracle database and to then go on and do a detailed forensic analysis of the data gathered.
PFCLATK is a toolkit that allows detailed pre-defined policy driven audit trails for your Oracle database. The toolkit also provides for a centralised audit trail and centralised activity reporting
PFCLCookie is a useful tool to use to audit your websites for tracking cookies. Scan websites in a natural way using powerful browser driven scanner
We offer a number of web based services such as cookie audits, improving website ranking in search engines, locating broken links and hosting email and websites
PFCLTraining is a set of expert training classes for you, aimed at teaching how to audit your own Oracle database, design audit trails, secure code in PL/SQL and secure and lock down your Oracle database.
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PFCLSTK is a toolkit application that allows you to provide database security easily to an existing database. PFCLSTK is a policy driven toolkit of PL/SQL that creates your security
PFCLSFTK is a toolkit that solves the problem of securing third party applications written in PL/SQL. It does this by creating a thin layer between the application and database and this traps SQL Injection attempts. This is a static firewall.
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