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Download Website Statistics

This is the statistics page for I have used the great free webalizer software to generate statistics for my web site for a couple of years now and always found it to be very useful to monitor what's happening. I have added a cut down version of my sites statistics here for information of visitors.

The statistics have been started from the beginning of December 2004. The statistics consist of the main summary page and also some details for each day of the month in terms of "hits", "files", "page views" and "visits". These are also averaged per day for the current month. We also have the totals of unique sites, page views, kilobytes downloaded and hits, visits and files. As I put this page live in December 2004 the number of visits is currently averaging about 1100 per day and rising although the Christmas period is not a good time to look at averages so its likely to fall for a short while. Anyway they are simply statistics and do not take away from the content that I am trying to add as often as possible. Please take a look if they interest anyone..:-)

The main index page for statistics are temporarily unavailable until a solution to the referral spammers targeting my site can be found. The pages delivered are webalizer pages so don't include the menus you are used to on each of my pages. Please use the browser back button to return to this page.