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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "Is Your Oracle Database More Secure in the Cloud?"] [Next entry: "What Should you do if your Oracle Database is Hacked?"]

Top 10 Things to Consider in Securing an Oracle Database

I presented recently at the UKOUG tech conference 2024 in Birmingham, UK at the Eastside rooms. This was a good conference and I had two talks there. This blog is about the first of those and includes a link to the MS Power Point slides as well.

This talk focused on what can go wrong with the data you hold and process in your Oracle database and how it can be vulnerable to attack or rather how the data held and processed can be vulnerable to attack. We also covered some background on data breaches and attack types and we position the task of securing data; we are securing data and not securing Oracle. We briefly covered cloud and of course Oracles security options.

The rest of the talk was to cover the top 10 security things to look at in the Oracle database to secure your data. The spoiler is that there is not a simple list of ten things that you can do in ten minutes that makes your data and database more secure. Its easy to see why this is the case. Oracle is a generic engine that allows you to process any data model and create any applications. So its not possible to have a generic security that just works. The security is part of the development of your data model, tables and code; its your job.

The power point slides for my talk Top 10 Things to Security Review in an Oracle Database are linked here. Please have a look.

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