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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "Penetration testing research and cost effective security"] [Next entry: "More on Sarbanes Oxley and Oracle"]


I saw with interest Steve Muench's post titled "Standalone HTML Editor Based on Firefox/Thunderbird HTML Editor" the other day. This is because I buy the UK magazine Web Designer from time to time and I was reading issue 101 that same day. One of the cover stories of this issue is about web design on the cheap, well cheaper than buying the professional tools such as those from Abode and Macromedia. I read with particular interest the lead article "Web Design on a budget" as it covers loads of replacement tools for the professional ones that can be had free or much cheaper than the professional ones. I saw the same editor Steve mentioned, Nvu but the one that caught my eye most was an HTML editor called HTML Kit. I downloaded this the other day and have had a play with it. This is a superb editor and I will be putting it to use on my site code.

As readers will know I have been giving a lot of thought to content management and production of my site recently. I have been a bit busy with work to make much further progress. I have had time to purchase a good book about PostNuke, called "PostNuke content management" written by Kevin Hatch. I will be giving serious thought to the use of a tool such as PostNuke in the near future, well after getting my newsletter re-launched and also a few other additions up and running.

In the meantime I will be playing with HTML Kit and seeing if it can help my site content productivity for now. I have been a big user of - (broken link) textpad in the past though and Ultraedit32, so they will take some beating. :)