October 9th, 2006
by Pete
I saw Tom's post http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2006/10/something-new-i-learned-this-week.html - (broken link) Something new I learned this week... and read with interest. I was aware of this issue quite a long time ago when i programmed more regularly with PL/SQL. I have to admit I wasn't thinking about it. I seem to remember that i first read about this when I first learned PL/SQL years ago because I came from a C programming background, pointers and pass by value come more naturally. This is an interesting issue for me for a number of reasons. First cos its PL/SQL and I like PL/SQL and like to play and investigate the language and internals and second because oddities and internals always open security doors. I dont see an obvious hack but I can see how it would be possible to abuse a system that makes use of procedures or functions that update globals or pass globals into functions. As Tom said avoid globals.