I did a simple test to show how to use CREATE SCHEMA:
SQL> get afiedt.buf
1 connect system/manager@oradev
2 drop user t3 cascade;
3 create user t3 identified by t3;
4 grant create table to t3;
5 grant create session to t3;
6 grant unlimited tablespace to t3;
7 connect t3/t3@oradev
8 create schema authorization t3
9 create table a (colour varchar2(10))
10* grant select on a to t1
SQL> @afiedt.buf
User dropped.
User created.
Grant succeeded.
Grant succeeded.
Grant succeeded.
Schema created.
As you can see it created the table and did the grant and simply reported back "Schema created". It would be a useful addition to Oracle to actually create schemas that are seperate to user accounts. I.e. you could create a bunch of tables / views etc that are in a schema but no one can log in to it. This would remove, in E-Business Suite the need to have hundreds of default accounts that need to have default passwords changed and locked etc.