I made a note to post a link to Paul Wrights Oracle Forensics blog the other day as i saw a useful post that reminds us that 10gR2 allows the standard database audit trail, the one normally written to SYS.AUD$ can be written directly by the database to syslog. Paul's post is titled "
Central SYSLOG host for Oracle" This is a very useful addition to 10gR2 as it means that the audit trail can be written to a secure source in real time. This is often a legal requirement in large organisations. 11g will have 24 core database audit settings enabled by default around login, user, role and system privilege use. These audit events should not happen in a normal system on a regular basis so there should be no performance impact and 11g should be much faster in the audit area anyway according to recent posts by people testing it.
http://newbiedba.blogspot.com/ - (broken link) Lisa Dobson contacted me a few days ago to ask if I would speak at the upcoming Northern Server Technology Day, on April 24th, this year its going to be in Leeds, last year I spoke at the same event in Manchester. Not sure what my subject will be yet, I will post here when I have it confirmed, it will be Oracle security related of course.
Finally I have not posted for a week nearly here because I have had blog trouble. I also spend some of my spare time working on the
GreyMatter weblog software that i use for this weblog and my other weblogs.
We released a new version, 1.7.2, of Greymatter and I almost immediatly found that there was a crash when trying to rebuild the blog. I have spent most of the last weeks evenings restoring back to 1.7.1 and testing to find the issue. This prevented me from posting here until it was fixed.

, its fixed now so back to posting and also to writing the RSS/ Atom feed code for Greymatter.