Hacking Oracle made easy
The tool automates the attack against Oracle by first brute forcing/guessing the SID, then username/password and then by running various exploits.
There is a nice article also on Reuters talking about the presentation called "Hacking Oracle's database will soon get easier"
There has been 2 Comments posted on this article
July 27th, 2009 at 08:56 am
Pete Finnigan says:
Thanks for your comment Chris; yes i appreciated that it was new auxiliary modules; my words were really meant to convey that you are releasing the modules and it sounded easier to say its a new version, so that readers appreciate the specific new modules and the specific target that is relevant here.
Thanks Chris
July 24th, 2009 at 03:31 pm
Pete Finnigan says:
its actually just some auxiliary modules not a new version of metasploit.