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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "Register for a Free Webinar with PFCLForensics for Breached Oracle Databases"] [Next entry: "Designing Good Audit Trails for an Oracle Database"]

Happy 17th Birthday to this Oracle Security Blog

It is almost 17 years since I started this blog on the 20th of September 2004. I had actually already been sort of blogging without blog software before that since 10th February 2004 with my ramblings section of my website. The ramblings section was a list of posts/articles so was the forerunner to my blog when I installed but the site in general was a site to promote Oracle Security articles and papers.

The first post on the ramblings section was how to disable iSQLPlus which is not relevant anymore.

The first post to the blog in September 2004 was a simple introduction and why I wanted to blog and what i would include in this blog. The post was titled A new Oracle Security based weblog.

I was late to the party in blogging as the first blog is reputedly said to be by Justin Hall who recorded his life on his personal website but it was known as a blog and the term weblog was not used until 1997; first by Jorn Barger. WordPress did not launch until 2003, one year before my Oracle security blog but I used Greymatter blog software which was one of the first proper blog softwares to be released in 2000. The Wikipedia page even mentions me twice as I created some of the mods and also hosted the software for download as well as helped develop it for a while with Coldstone. I chose Greymatter because it is static and does not use a database unlike other popular blog packages of the time such as WordPress and Typepad and Movable Type. I liked Greymatter because it was configurable and because it was static and therefore not SQL Injectable.

I have posted some 1484 posts (including this post) during the 17 years; not as many in recent years as I did at the start. That is 87 posts a year on average, not bad! For quite some time at the start I managed to do a post a day but that dropped off in recent years and now I am trying to build that back up a bit again - but not to one post a day; I will never do that again as I am too busy with other work.

There are not many people who blog about Oracle Security and very few who did/do blog about Oracle security specifically that's why I keep covering this subject that is still very interesting to me especially in the times of data breaches and identity theft and more.

I also post to our social media profiles so also please feel free to visit these as well and also share, like and follow us there on these profiles: