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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "3 Day Oracle Security Training in York in March"] [Next entry: "AI and Oracle Security"]

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PFCLScan - Oracle Security Training in York 2025

We are holding a 3 day live, in person training event here in York, UK on March 11th to March 13th 2025 (Tuesday to Thursday). The class is taught by Pete Finnigan. The class is a unique event and will cover what you need to know to secure data in your Oracle databases.

We cover every aspect from how databases are breached, how you may have made configuration and design mistakes that could leak or lose your valuable data. We show the problems and then cover how to review your database for issues and how to secure. We focus on the things that come free with the database BUT we also cover the cost options and context based security. The class covers planning and solutions and how to secure all of your databases and make sure that they remain secure over time.

There are full class details including the agenda here.

There is a lot of material in this complete coverage of cradle to grave of securing your data.

The class is over three days and is suitable for anyone who wants to secure data or is involved in securing data. We include the course notes/slides and also hundreds of free scripts and tools. We allow plenty of time for discussions and your questions.

Also included with the class are two free engagement software licenses for our products PFCLScan and PFCLForensics that you can use to help secure your own databases.

The price is just £1095 GBP + VAT so please hurry to register your place as we have only 4 seats left. First come first served.

#oracle #security #training #hacking #datasecurity #databreach