Oracle and the Independent Oracle User Group (IOUG) are launching a new security assurance survey. The purpose of this survey - (broken link) is to gather feedback from as many organizations as possible about their security patching practices and to identify which security assurance topics are most relevant to Oracle customers.
The IOUG participates in Oracle’s Secure Customer Advisory Council and has worked with Oracle Global Product Security on this survey which will provide meaningful feedback to Oracle about its security programs. For example, the current survey provides respondents with a chance to give feedback about Patch Set Updates (PSUs) and the CPU documentation. Survey responses will be kept confidential, and the results will be analyzed jointly by Oracle and IOUG to evaluate Oracle’s security assurance practices The survey is located here (free SIG membership is required to access the survey).
As I did two years ago I encourage everyone to take part and add some influence to the security patching process. Thanks!